Hi guys. I just recently upgraded from a Gen II to a Gen III. Although the car itself is a marked improvement on it's predecessor, the sea of grey/black plastic around the radio and shifter bridge just screams for something 'special'. Being in Ireland, the car is right hand drive, and I've searched for days now online, and can't seem to find anyone that does the wood dash kits for a Gen III Prius with right hand drive. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
Thanks Dawit. I had a look at the Japan auction sites and came away more confused than ever ...... lol. Limited english explanations (which would be nice as I don't understand Japanese), very little shipping overseas, (from what I could work out), and most payment options seem to be COD ...... !!!!!! It's a pity I haven't a trip planned to Japan. On a side note, thinking back, when I was driving Lexus's I managed to obtain a RHD dash kit for my then GS300 from a supplier in the U.S. The annoying thing is, I didn't keep the reciept and I can't remember who the supplier was.
OMG! we LHD-types can only dream of having your "problem!" For example, http://item.rakuten.co.jp/auc-screate/pt636?s-id=top_normal_browsehist Use ZVW30 for your search argument on rakuten.co.jp.... short of having a Japanese wife, google translate is your friend... not your saviour, your friend. P.S. My wife has three more weeks with her parents near Tokyo
You can use easyauctionjapan.com to bid on auctions on yahoo japan in english. I have used it before. You'll be paying about 11% the purchase price fee plus shipping.
Thanks guys. I looked again at easyauctionjapan.com, and used ZVW30 in the search......... Holy Moly ........ over 9oo pages to look through. Looks like I'll be busy for a while ....... lol Oh, and if anyone has any links or tips that might help, I'll take them on board too.
Wot!? Short cuts? Steal away your fun? No way... Alternatively, my technique: – copy and paste the Japanese into Google Translate – translate from Japanese to English – isolate the key terms – search on zvw30 + the key Japanese terms "Eire Go Deo" ... but the Isle of Man a tad longer
Ooooooo!, You meanie ........ lol. I saw and used a translating tab that was actually on the Auction site last night. That made things easier to read at least. By Japanese terms, do you mean the Japanese characters? I spent the guts of 2 hours going through a few pages (my connection speed is so slow - 0.43Mbps download, and 0.10Mbps upload) and so far I have found that there is only 3 finishes available, Piano Black, Tea Grain and Kuroki Eyes. There are of course, varying kit sizes and prices. Of those three, Piano Black appears to look the best, though I would much rather a medium Burl Walnut finish.
I guess I'm spoiled by my connection speed. Of course the best solution would be to just go to Japan, and compensate a friend to help you navigate the choices... oh yeah!