Coming up at the end of my lease on my current Prius IV. Have 2 payments left. Dealer proposed new Prius Four with Deluxe Solar room pkg, putting the last 2 payments in (about $700), using the $500 loyalty rebate. Here's what the deal would be: 2013 Prius Four with Deluxe Solar Roof MSRP: $33,350 Price: $31,300 Lease: 36 mo./12K miles per year; First payment plus taxes and $650 bank fee upfront at $399/mo. Is this a good deal?
how much are they giving you for the current vehicle? you should have some Equity in it, would guess it would be a couple K... If I could get info on the trade-in value, current leases buy out, downpayments, any other fees applied, Money Factor (should be about .0009 atm with good credit), if 31,300 w/o trade-in or rebates applied, and any other info you have...then I could calc what you should be paying Also, do you really need an upgraded vehicle? guessing you have a buyout option of 18k (give or take) on current vehicle, that could be a decent monthly loan payment of roughly 330 for 60 months. I just got a prius persona but was looking at the prius 4 w/ sunroof, would have been 330 a month but with a 2500 down (I work for the dealership so the vehicle was offered to me at cost).
I paid $32.5k out the door with 0% for 60 months (no money down) and after $500 loyalty credit. Prius Four with Solar