Sadly so many backwards thinking idiots in America. Every Prius I own gets door dings from other people intentionally opening up car doors hard, keyed, scratches, and who knows what else. So I learned to park far away from the door in a parking lot and keep an eye on it if I can, say at a restaurant sit by the window or follow it while being cleaned at a car wash.
It sucks to ever have any damage to your car, but you can't really stereotype all people by what they drive. My Prius shares garage space with a H2, Viper, Harley and a race car. The H2 tows the race car (and the Viper when I still take it to the track), plus gives me room for the dogs and lets me get where I need to if I'm looking at new property or going hunting. The Viper and Harley are my therapy vehicles. I'm a total car guy who does all his all own wrenching, and spends as much time in the garage doing stuff as I do in the house. I would venture to say I'm a lot different than a lot of Prius owners, but then again, that would be stereotyping on my part. lol
But the H2 isn't a daily driver, is it? I'm talking about people who only have one loud obnoxious and low mileage car and drive it everywhere, 99 out of 100 times they are the only people in their car.
It was, up until last week. lol Been seeing a girl who lives on the other side of town, and after spending $800+ a month a gas for few months, the Prius came into the equation.
there are alot of people on here that if you drive anything other than a prius then you are scum. sounds like, like me, you like cars, big, or small, fast, or fuel efficient, or slow, all kinds of cars.....don't justify yourself to them