I recently purchased a USB stocked filled it with music and as I'm scrolling through my music and about less than 5seconds into the Song the audio just turns off.? Anyone experience this?
I have an issue when I use my iphone and play a podcast. It plays for a couple of seconds then resets the usb interface. I'm still trying to figure out what is up with the stereo. Have you tried a iphone or mp3 player?
i havent tried an iphone/mp3 plugged in directly into the USB slot but i can give it a shot and see what happens...i'll report back in a few.
do you know exactly what settings under options i need to have checked? this has happen almost every time i use my USB stick to listen to music, it's a 16gig Kingston DataTraveler 101 USB 2.0. it's pretty annoying to be in a middle of a song then the system shuts off and the screen says "audio off" as if i hit the power button to turn off my music.
When the USB device is pulled from the port, the screen will show "Audio Off". Kingston DT is one of those flash drives with a flip cap. See if there's something near the flash drive that might be bumping it and causing it to get loose from connection. I would recommend a low profile micro USB flash drive to use instead.
that's the thing, i don't have anything in the compartment other than the USB stick and a AUX cable...err...
Something similar happens to me occasionally, though I have an iPod Classic plugged in via USB rather than a thumb drive. When it happens, it's usually about 10-15 seconds after turning the car on - the radio unit goes to "Audio Off" - and it doesn't clear itself until I shut off the car (not just the radio unit) and turn it back on. If I don't turn the car off, I can still power the radio unit back on and play a CD or listen to the radio, but the USB connection is dead until I power-cycle the car.
Does the head unit show the USB connection at all or lighted after it shuts off? The USB in the Prius 2 is fussy IMHO. I tried two different class 10 Sandisc and a couple of other class 6 flash cards in various configurations and all failed immediately or eventually (two weeks). I have heard it said that if you use too big a memory capacity or too filled up with data it messes it up. I ended up trying a cheap, tiny, PNY 8 gig small fingernail sized drive and it has worked perfectly for the last 2+ months.
Prius- 2013, Using music from USB- I have a similar question- except How do I fast forward music, while playing using usb-thumb drive. I tried to slide on the touch screen, does not work. Toyota dealer in South Carolina says- touch screen is the way (just like while playing using blue tooth-Smart-phone). I have to wait for each song to complete, cannot start within a song! Any work arounds, let me know please. Thx, SR
I don't believe you can. You can jump to the next song, repeat it if you quickly press back once, but there's no "jog" to music playback. It'd be a nice feature, but since it would best be done via touchscreen and that would encourage fiddling with the radio rather than focusing on the road, I'd not expect Toyota to ever offer that feature. Maybe if you went to an aftermarket head unit, but I don't know if you're looking to do that type of "mod."
Hold the next button to fast forward. The previous button will also rewind. This works for BT connected audio as well USB audio.
The press and hold worked, BUT only on the head unit. Doing the same on the steering wheel resulted in the music skipping to the first song in the previous or following folder on the USB drive. Odd. It makes more sense for the steering wheel switch to do the same as the head unit so you don't have to take your hands off the whee.
Oh, we have different headunits. I have a base PiP which is equivalent to a trim 3 Prius with navigation and Entune. That might explain it.