As I recall the switch has a fan like symbol on it. Also the car must be warm for it to activate. You can leave the switch on all the time but the fan won't run unless it's hot in the car and the sun is intense enough to generate enough power. The switch sits "in" slightly when on. The fan also won't run unless the car is "off".
So, you must depress the button (it has two positions but the depressed position is only a mm or so lower than the "off" position) while in Ready mode. Then, 10 minutes after powering the car off, if there's sufficient sun (and the interior of the car isn't cold) the fan should run.
Are you sure? So you can't leave the button pressed, you have to unpress it, then press it while in ready mode every time?
It does not need to be pressed every time. I never almost touch mine, and occasionally get surprised to find it running early in the season.
No just press it in and leave it on. If u want it off, then press it out. Yes. As long as the car is not on, the fans will come on as long as the conditions that are stated in earlier posts are met.
Leaving the solar roof on is good for lowering the in car temperature which keeps the large traction battery cooler. Th cabin air filters will get dirtier quicker
I guess I was unclear. The instructions were for initially trying it out. I leave mine pressed in all of the time.
My favorite configuration is to park with the sunroof tilted up and the shade open a couple of inches. Having it all the way open will block the cells and let in a lot of the sun.
I have the little plastic covers over the side windows (curved plastic over the top of the window). They keep -most- of the rain out if it rains and hide the fact I leave the front two side windows down about a cm. When the fan runs I -suspect- I get more air flow because of the windows being open. Certainly the hot air, which resides at the highest point in the car, can exit easier. I'd like to see some measurements of the traction battery temperature to prove the idea the solar powered fan keeps it cooler. I suspect it does little to affect the temperature that low in the car.