I can't seem to get my iPhone 5 to play through USB. It works fine when streaming via Bluetooth (and will charge off the USB cable). However, when trying to run audio through the USB cable, it'll only play for a few seconds then stop with an error message like "Problem with the File Format" or "No recognizable files." I'm also using Spotify and the built-in Podcasts app for audio. I don't have any music preinstalled on the Music app. Any help would be appreciated!
Yeah, BT is no problem. Just wish I could play over USB. Might be an issue with the new Lightning connector they introduced with the iPhone 5.
Process of elimination. Have you tried playing music through the Music App? It could be the other apps you're using are the problem. If you still get the same issue with the Music App, try replacing your USB sync cable. Keep trying other possible causes. It could be the iPhone itself (just guessing...). Try an ipod.
My iphone 5 works fine, must be an app that you are using or something in settings. Try to reset your phone and play with the standard music app before starting up any other apps, if that doesnt work get ahold of apple support.
afaik, you can only play certain apps via USB, music, Pandora, etc. is there a reason you don't want to use BT?
Yeah. It looks as if it boils down to an app compatibility issue. Got it to play and navigate tracks from the music app and then Pandora, but it doesn't seem to like Spotify. Once I launched Spotify, it went back to its expected symptoms of stopping after several seconds. Not only that but I couldn't get it to sync up with the music app again unless I unplugged/reconnected the USB cable. That's too bad since I really prefer Spotify over anything else. Guess I'll just stick to Bluetooth streaming until there's an update with the hardware or software that fixes this problem.
I was having this same issue using Spotify via lightning cable. I found that if you hit the Airplay icon (the little TV looking icon on the song information screen in Spotify) and select 'dock connector' instead of 'car multimedia system' it works like a champ. Sound is definitely much better than it is with Bluetooth.
I have the same problem. I can play music fine (USB Cable) but when I play any podcast it starts to play then it just stops playing and resets. I have to reseat the connector but that hasen't corrected the problem. My wife was saying maybe it's the podcast is not downloaded from itunes, could be the problem. I'll have to try it again with a podcast from itunes. Stay tuned.
I have a different, though similar, problem. I can play Pandora or my music library through BT, but not the dock connector. I have tried different USB cables.