First time Prius owner (model c, Four) and first time poster here. I just picked up my car last Tuesday (5/21/13) and didn't realize how much there is to learn about how to properly drive this car. Thus I am very grateful for this forum as I am learning a lot. As I am a bit overwhelmed by all of the various things I need to master, (ECO vs EV, "pulse and glide," regenerative braking, etc, etc) I figure I will try to tweak one small thing so I can feel like I accomplished something. I did search the board and couldn't find anything on my question... Can I reprogram the shut-down message to be something other than "See You" when I push off the power? I want to change it for many reasons, but the main one is that I find it unnerving as I just read in the manual about the "Vehicle Data Recordings" and realized that the car does indeed see me. Seriously, though, is there a way to change See You to something else?
Welcome aboard. Never really noticed the goodbye message myself, though I do usually check my trip stats each time I turn it off.
Did you ever watch the classic 1960s British TV show "The Prisoner," about a secret agent who tries to resign and finds himself in a rather strange place? The usual phrase to say goodbye there was "Be seeing you," and it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the message on my c - check the links and you'll understand why! I know of no way to change the message, unfortunately.
+1 on "Be seeing you!" wish I could do that too. When I first took my Dad for a ride in the car, he was really impressed ("They didn't have this at the 1939 World's Fair!"), but I thought he was going to choke when the car bid us goodbye with "See You"
Kind of like that change the display idea, but I would take it one step further and make it spit out a custom message based on some data in the ECU. Changing it to say "Piss off, wanker!" or if you get a certain MPG level have it insult you would be rather amusing. <15MPG "The 1930s called, they'd like their gas milage back." 16-25MPG "You do know this isn't a tow vehicle, right?" 26-35MPG "Why didn't you just get a used Geo Metro instead?" 36-40MPG "Have you seen a doctor for all the lead in your foot?" 41-47MPG "Why would you get a city car for highways?" 48-55MPG "Truck drivers laugh at you when you're not looking." 56-65MPG "So, how many people did you piss off to get that MPG?" 66-75MPG "Hey Grandma, you do know other people drive too, right?" 76-85MPG "Shennanigans! I call shennanigans on this!" 85+MPG "HAX! This is not a plug in vehicle!" -Steve