In the Knowledge Base article on how to disable the reverse beeping, step #6 is incomplete. It doesn't mention that one must press the "P" button. In fact, the step is literally misworded, in that it says: "shift the gear selector from P to R, then back to P" WHICH CANNOT BE DONE SINCE THERE IS NO "P" ON THE SELECTOR. One of the following posts (among the thirty or so of them) mentions exactly this problem! User efusco notes that: "The shift back to P thing is what usually throws people. This actually means to push the 'Park' button, not just letting the shifter return to center." Thank God for efusco. Now, whoever wrote the directions or has the ability to alter them: fix the damned text. It's really aggravating to try following it only to discover the directions are incomplete and misleading.
WOW! Someone sure got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Whoever wrote the direction for disabling the backup beeper, thank you. I appreciate the time you spent in letting the rest of us know the secret to disabling the reverse beeper. I pride myself in knowing how to put my car into Reverse, and also into Park, and had no trouble following the instructions on the first try. Thanks again for your help.
Well, I mean you really didn't need to have it spoon-fed to you didja? I'm sure you were smart enough to figure out that shifting back to P meant pressing the button.
How else do you put the car in Park? I stupid can you get? It is people like you that complained any they put the directions on the back of a shampoo bottle. You want McDonalds to put directons on how to eat a Big Mac too? 1. Open Mouth 2. Stick in burger 3. Chew. 4. Swallow 5. Repeat HEY YOU FOR GOT TO SAY BITE DOWN!!!! HOW DO YOU EXPECT SOMEONE TO FIGURE THAT OUT!! FIX IT NOW!!!
hehe.... hehe.. lol... hehe ok... You're new.. i know. I should feel bad, but we are all here ( for the most part ) to share knowlege, chat, and have fun. If you would have just asked instead of ranting.. i'm sure someone would have just PMed you ( personal message ) instead of having it " spoon-fed " as Tideland nicely put it
Now - Now.. no need to be nasty about it, even if the tone of the OP was a bit abrasive. After all - he does have a point. When I first read the very same instructions, I had the very same thought - you cannot slide the gear selector to P. So I pressed P instead, and all was well, beep disabled. While it doesn't take a lot of thought to figure out what you're really supposed to do, the instructions in question could use just the slightest bit of refinement. -Ken
Hey, I followed your directions and apparently you forgot to include: 6.5 Drop pants! Now who's going to pay my laundry bill?!? :blink: :huh:
I believe those directions were copied from the repair manual. You have to understand that many of the directions evolved from the Prius Classic which did have a shift by wire shifter that included park, and from conventional cars.
rookies....sheesh <_< It's somewhat like when you refer to saying that you dialed the number when you haven't used a dial phone for years, if at all. When the instructions say to shift in to park I'd take it to mean the same as 'put the car back in to park'; I wouldn't be so literal. If someone told you to dial the number, would you say that you can't because there's no dial?
I didn't have a problem with the directions. I looked at the "shift" indicator by the speedometer to see if I had "shifted" the car into park. BTW How's your head? (From hitting it on the door, since open door wasn't part of the directions )
I read, and don't disagree with your comments, but my thanks to the author of the fix for this annoying beeping. I've only owned my Prius for about a week and already found myself rushing to the end of my driveway to stop the beeping - now it's gone for good. Is there perhaps a "top ten" of these kind of fixes - I imagine this would be #1 for most people?
OK. I made the big change. Anything else I should say differently?
I try not to get too worked-up over newbie posts... They don't know the proper etiquette in here yet. Dave
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32 @ Feb 6 2006, 10:58 AM) [snapback]204563[/snapback]</div> I guess I'm with the guy that started this instruction ruckus. I was discussing a light dimming problem with Toyota today and she insisted that the owner's manual was good to follow. I insisted back that it wasn't. That the 2007 manual has an lot of minor errors in it. I'm not at all surprised that the maintenance manual has errors too. I like accurate documentation. It makes me feel confident that the "powers to be" around any electrical mechanical object know what they have designed and what they are talking about. Whose right--the manual or the phone tech reading the 3-ring binder? Now you need a third party to confirm one or the other. Toyota--update and correct your manuals and stop with all the secret maintenance stuff.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kdmorse @ Feb 6 2006, 01:12 AM) [snapback]204464[/snapback]</div> How do you know that the OP is a "he" ? :angry:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(The Annoying One @ Jun 17 2007, 01:33 PM) [snapback]463543[/snapback]</div> From this post.... <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rretter @ Feb 5 2006, 10:38 PM) [snapback]204435[/snapback]</div> I remember doing this on my Prius. It's very close to how you reset the "Maintenance Required" light.