Which would you choose? The advanced tech package in a 2010 V, or the 2011 with a solar roof (either a III or IV)?
Ok the basic car is the same. The milage is the same. The mile are also so low it won't matter which one you pick. The price is the same. the one year difference will not have any big effect in the long run. If it were me, I would choose the one with features I like the most, sun roof, or advance radar cruise or 15" wheels. I guess the 2010 has that. Especially, if you like its color than you have it. Color means a lot to me, so if the 2011 has your color you might think, do I really need the one or two extra bells and whistles. Hopefully you get both color and extras. Both great cars and you probably wont go wrong. Boys like toys, girls like color, usually. Hope this helps.
I could care less about color, I LOVE gadgets. I want BOTH in reality, but that doesn't exist. Actually my perfect Prius would be a 2013 V in seaglass, with the advanced tech package AND the solar roof. I'm trying to keep my payment reasonable, so as not to scare my DH. I live in southern CA though, and it'd be really nice to have the solar roof. Does anyone have the advanced tech package and have strong feelings about it one way or the other?
Get a used one from Canada. You give up the LED headlights and LKA but you get both the Solar Roof and the AT stuff. That's what I have . If you do a lot of highway driving, DRCC and LKA are nice features to make the drive more relaxing. (as long as you stay above 25mph, DRCC will speed up and slow down for you as traffic dictates). You also get LED headlights for nighttime driving and you get a quicker steering ratio (sportier driving). With the SR model, you get a moonroof and Solar Panel Ventilation System w/ Remote A/C and 15" wheels (instead of 17") but that means cheaper replacement costs. If I had to pick, I'd go with AT since there are more gadgets in that model =).
If you go for the solar roof, you are going for the sunroof feat. The solar ventilation system is cool technology, but not as useful as LED lights and other tech in the AT five. I cruise a lot down city streets here in socal, so I appreciate the open sunroof more than LKA and DRCC. Just my opinion.