I don't know about you but seems like there is never enough power plugs to go around and the one under the arm rest is a pain if you want to close the arm rest. I'm sure there are easier ways to do this I am not an expert unless you need an attorney. So here goes. I also took step per step pictures for you. From one to five it was really easy maybe one or two. Took about 30 to 45 minutes. First get you a aux 12 volt plug. Walmart has attwood ones in the boating section. They cost 7.58. You will need 14a gauge wire and a fuse holder. And a pair of crimping plyers. Along with wire connectors and a loop connector for the battery post. First I opened my armrest and cleaned the stuff out. Then lifed out the felt pad insise the 4 bolts should be 10mm remove them. Then pull up on the drink holder next to the armrest, it will pop off. Then remove the 10mm bolt that is there holding the armrest tower to the car. Now squeeze the connectors to the aux music jack and power outlet and the tower will lift right out. I measured 6 1/2 inches from the bottom of the tower. This will allow you to fit the new power outlet inbetween the tower bracket. Then measure for the middle and mark. Get a hole saw for your drill and drill you a hole. I think I used the smallest one I had. Should be 1 1/2 now drill the hole. Now take the power outlet you bought and remove the rubber back. Now unscrew the nut and remove the bracket. Now place the outlet into the hole you just made and screw the nut on tight to hold in in place. Put back the rubber piece. Now open your hatch. Remove the plastic floor area. Now the plastic trunk area. Now the battery trunk frame thing. Next I removed the back seat to make it easy. Just push back and up it will pop lose. The rear has a hook thing just push down and it will come out. Now go push the passenger rear back seat release and move the back just a little toward the front like you are going to put it down. Now feed the power wire from the back hatch area through the side area around the wheel well area and along the rear seat area to the middle. Now with your hand feed the power cord under the carpet and grab it where the tower brace is. Be careful the metal edges on the tower brace are sharp. Now go back to the power wire in the hatch area and crimp your fuse to the power cord. Remove the fuse for now. Now crimp the loop connector to the other end of the fuse. Now looking at the battery pinch the red cover on the positive side and pull up. There is a nut there. It should be 12mm. Attach the loop end of the fuse to this post and replace tbe plastic cover. Now go back inside and either crimp the positive wire to the outlet power or use connectirs you can unhook. Now take a negative black wire and crimp a loop connector to one end and unbolt one of the tower braces and bolt it there. Now connect the black negitive outlet to the ground you just did. Push the tower in place making sure the wires are tucked in neatly. Now bolt the tower back in. Then replace pop the drink holder back in. Replace the rear seat. Make sure the seat will not rest on the power wire. Also make sure your power wire is tucked under and behind the back seat tire wheel well area. Now put fuse in. Replace trunk and trunk floor and battery area. Now you have a factory look 12v acc for the rear or to use and an extra.
Very nice, I always thought that this location would have been an ideal place for an OEM power source, but Toyota dropped the ball on that. I would have just tapped into the existing power and ground wires in the center console though, much less hassle than running power from the 12V battery in the back compartment.
I thought about it but it seems like a really small wire they use for the oem plug under the armrest. Really small.