hi i was wondering what you guys recommend for a cover on the keys since they would get pretty banged up with my regular keys. i have a 2013 prius and i see the silicon cover for 2010-2012. i dont know if i should get a cover or a case made especially for it. can you guys recommend anything..
Where did you find a silicone cover that fits The Prius SKS key fob? I couldn't find one a few weeks back, and I was looking. I had a silicone cover on my last vehicles key fob. And I really liked it. Made the case that much sturdier, waterproof, and recessed the buttons so accidental pressing was harder to make happen. But when I googled to try to find a Prius case, they didn't seem to make one. Did I miss it? One of the local Toyota Dealers in my area makes a "pouch" with a clear front, that the fob fits in. It's pretty nice, offers more protection. But I think if a silicone slip on case specifically made for the fob existed I'd probably go with that. But every place I looked did NOT offer a cover for the Prius SKS fob. If you found a place, please post a link.
Is the 2013 key fob different? Otherwise, I can highly recommend one of these. I have one and like how it provides some protection to my key fob.
I think the one offered above would work. I guess I just did not look hard enough. I might get one. The leather pouch like one I've already bought works pretty good. I might use it, until it rips or starts to show a lot of wear. But it's nice to know a silicone cover IS available.
I got this one from ebay (also have other colors), it does the job.....almost fully cover, which I like....regardless the trunk button.
I have used this site my past 5 Toyota's, pretty cheap, and always really quick shipping and multiple colors. I always get a black one for myself and a pink for the wife, makes it easier to know who's is who's. The Jacketstore . com Home of the Keyless Remote Protective Cover
I too have used the Jacket store. I had a 2010 that was totaled, then bought a 2013. The jacket from the '10 fits the '13 perfectly.
Thanks.guys that's good to know I will be ordering this jacket covers for birth my cars SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 ? 2