We have a new '06 package #5,no factory Nav. I don't miss the agree screens, update DVD's, and lockout associated with it. No biggie, but I am going to buy an aftermarket GPS. I have narrowed it down to the Garmin 340c for about $550, or the new Lowrance Iway 350c, for $399. I was just wondering if anyone here uses one of these, or if there is something better. The Iway 350c is pretty impressive! Also, is there a clever mounting spot other than the the typical windsheild mount that works for anyone. The Garmin 340c has an optional antenna so you can mount the unit anywhere. That opens up possibilities. The Lowrance 350c will run 15 hours on a charge. I looked at the TomTom and just wasn't impressed with it. The lowrance uses NavQ mapping, which is very nice and up to date. Plus USB updating. I know some will say the OEM Nav is the way to go. Not for me, I like the mobility and, also being able to use the buttons going down the road. Any thoughts on Brand preference or placement?
May I recommend you look at the TomTom also? My son has the TomTom GO 700 and my parents use the GO 300 and they are both happy with these units.
I used the sticky mount (it makes a smooth surface for windshield mount). I leave it on all the time, it shuts down 30 seconds after you turn off the car if you don't tell it to stay on. Programming waypoints was a little tricky to get used to, you have to add it to your favorites list if it isn't pre-programmed as a POI. The verbal directions it gives you are good when there are a lot of distractions so you don't have to look at the screen to get where you need to go. Like all GPS systems it is going to be a little retarded sometimes, once it told me to drive down some train tracks :blink:
For a far better source of information to make a buying decision, go to http://gpsinformation.us/main/gpsauto.htm I have a Garmin i3 and the integrated Nav in my Prius, and prefer the Prius integrated Nav. Yes, you can get map updates, and create custom POIs with the Garmin, but I make far fewer wrong turns with the Prius integrated system. Having 12x the screen real estate means the integrated system can put more relevant information on the screen at once. The Prius is also way faster at acquiring the satellite signal and recalculating routes, and has dead reckoning capability. You'd have to go up to a Garmin 2650 to get dead reckoning ($1400 retail).
I've got a Garmin StreetPilot 2720, and I love it. Safety agree does turn right off. Sometimes it's off in its routings, but it ALWAYS gets me where I need to go, even if the route it picks is a little longer. If I know where I'm going I just drive the way I want to and it recalculates for me. I can input coordinate pairs into this GPS, which means it's worth it over a factory system for me. I geocache, and that's just a feature that isn't negotiable for me. I love the system, it's intuitive and easy, and I can't get lost any more. A good thing, since I've been known to just drive off and not pay much attention till it's time to get home =)
I did not consider the Prius GPS very long. A year ago when I needed to buy a new PDA I purchased a Garmin Ique M5. We've gotten alot of use out of the GPS function on it. Very happy with it. Would be nice to have that big screen though!
Geology - I have a 2610 (will upgrade to the 2720 soon) but they're the same size and type of mounting. Where and how did you mount yours in the Prius? Pictures? Thanks!
I'll see if I can't get some posted - but I actually leave mine on the 'lead bag mount' floating loosely. I angle it where it blocks the tiny window on the drivers side, and barely misses the 'air vent'(?) on top of the dash. It doesn't slide around, but it's very easy to stow under a seat, and is still easy to pass from one car to another. Before you upgrade, check out the forums at gpspassion.com . There are a lot of people who have the 2610 and 2620 that upgraded and were disappointed. As I understand it, it's an increase in resolution and a few options (traffic ability) but they've done something bad to the list of known points (probably just a good culling, but there are complaints nonetheless) as well as change the routing. I love the unit, but I never used the previous generation. Before you upgrade, check out the forums at gpspassion.com . There are people who upgraded and were disappointed with the changes made. I've never used an older one, and I'm quite happy with it. hope this helps!
Thanks, Geology. I can picture where you have it. I'll put my dash mount somewhere up there. I do like the bean bag, but find the mount to be even better. Yes, I've read the comparison reviews... my plan is to see what is available when the next map upgrade comes out. Thanks for your help!
I just purchased a Magellan 760 and have had no issues with it so far. I've used the NeverLost system on rentals before, and the 760 is very easy to use. I currently use the window/dash mount on the Prius. It's a bit on the costly side, but well worth it to me. Good luck! Justinc
PDA for me. Stick a piece of velcro on the dash right behind the steering wheel. Don't push the buttons while you're driving. Battery life on the PDA is about 5 hours with the GPS running. GPS for compact flash slot on eBay $125 Mapopolis software $99 ( talking directions, etc.) PDA Toshiba e755 Plus with the PDA I can watch my DVR episodes of 24 at lunch.
I am a long time Garmin 2610 user, and I'm very happy with Garmin. I just purchased a package 7, 2006 model, and I'm very unhappy. Toyota's (Denso's) database is terrible. Autorouting falls apart outside of major metro areas. It's inexcusible. I recommend Garmin, but buy any after market GPS and you'll be ahead. gk