Today my wife became the owner of 2013 Toyota Prius Plug-In. This is her sixth Toyota. She will not even look at another manufacturer's car. Her previous car was a 2006, Toyota Prius. I am now the owner of this car. I have to say, I always liked the Prius. Now that the Prius is mine, I have put an extra coat of wax on it, bought new floor mats, polished the wheels, and can not figure out how to clean the front window with out it having streaks. This has to be the hardest window I have ever tried to clean. The 2013 Prius is beautiful. Blizzard White. It drives great and just looks sharp. We haven' t figure out how to work everything yet, but we are learning. The Purchase. I checked many dealers for a good price on this car. Pricing was all over the board for the same model. Previously I called Dianne Whitmire of Carson Toyota and she always had the time to speak to me. This week my wife and I finally decided to buy the car. We called Dianne and she had the best price. No dealer could even come close, plus Toyota had a holiday finance special. On Thursday we drove to Carson Toyota, saw the car and told Dianne we just needed one more day to think about it. Friday we called Dianne, and on Saturday we purchased the car. I have to say, do not waste your time looking at other dealers when buying a Prius. Just call Dianne for a great price. She gave us a great deal. Also her staff (Jane) is great,and the financing department put no pressure on us to buy additional add ons. We drove over 60 miles to get our Prius. What is ironic, there is a Toyota dealer 1 mile from my house, and the last 2 Toyotas we bought from dealers 50 and 60 miles away. We bought 3 Toyota's from this dealer in the past, and have not been able to ever work a deal with them again. We are so excited about the Toyota Prius Plug-In.
Congratulations. Nice story. Most here would welcome a 60 mile drive for the best Prius prices and selection. I only know of Carson Toyota and Dianne through post here. I like their pro Prius, positive sales approach, and I assume it extends to the entire Toyota line. Best prices and selection, WOW.
Congrats! And yes, I would have loved 60 miles. Flying out and then driving over 1200 miles to bring mine back.
my wife feels the same way, but camry hybrid only. we have purchased from five different dealers, and never from the one closest to us, it's a shame. all the best!
That is my area, with 3 or 4 TOY dealers locally, I can just throw the lowest price out there and each/every dealer will beat the other guys price. So i just save my closest dealer for last, and he beats the others. I think in WNY the dealers are more hungry to sell since this is a high "domestic" car region. (GM,Ford) Congrats!
If you are talking about reaching the inside glass, I bought a tool from Stoner, makers of Invisible Glass Cleaner ( It has a swiveling, triangular-shaped pad holder on a footlong handle. Great for reaching into the corners. Comes with a variety of washable terrycloth covers. I buy their glass cleaner at Pep Boys, but I don't know if they stock the tool.