Hi..I noticed some rattling under my hood about 3 weeks ago which has gottten progressively worse and is now horrible. Video is attached. Sounds like it is coming from the motor. If anyone knows what it is and possibly how to fix please let me know. Valve noise? I changed the oil yesterday and put synthetic oil in and also put high octane gas in today with no change in knocking. I can cruise at 70 no problem, but if I attempt to depress the accelerator even 1/2 an inch, the rattling starts. Does not occur on start up or when pushing the accelerator in park. Any help appreciated. I do not want to give up on my prius....It has 293,000 miles and drives like it was new......minus the knocking. Tks.
Holy cow thats bad. Put it in Inspection mode and open the hood and I'm pretty sure you''ll find it. It sounds like something in the front of the motor like a shredded belt or a bad water pump bearing. But probably something on the top end of the motor. Btw, if you have smart key you don't have to insert the fob into the dash. Just foot off brake push on power button.
Yes it is LOUD! The sound I'm pretty sure is coming from the top of the motor. Sounds like it's right in front of the dash. Don't think it's the transmission. I should also mention that I have noticed a loss of acceleration power over the past 6 months, even before the knocking started. Even some hesitation at times. BUT, I need to get this noise diagnosed ASAP!
Ok, in inspection mode, I reeved the engine up as far as it would allow and there is no engine noise, but the engine RPM's will only go so far even with the accelerator to the floor in park. I should add that I can aggresively accelerate to about 30 mph with no noise, then once I hit 30-35, the noise starts.
Thats not good that may mean you have a bad rod bearing and only knocking under load. Or blown rings. Is the car smoking when you first start it? The other poster may be right it may be a failed planetary gear or bearing in the trans but it sure sounds up top to me. Best way to check if its the trans is to dump the trans fluid and check carefully for bits of metal in the fluid. Any metal in there and its bye bye trans. When was the last time the trans fluid was changed. At what miles? To check engine go back into Inspection mode and manually turn the butterfly on the throttle body. If not sure what I mean take the air cleaner cover off so you can see the throttle body butterfly. TBB. Do this first: With car off remove the ac cover off so you can see the butterfly in the bore of the TB. On the pass side of the TB you will see the spring loaded end of the butterfly rod. You can turn that spring loaded end by hand and rev the engine up by manually opening the butterfly. Try this with the car off first to gauge how hard it is to turn. It should be very easy. I have done this many times. If its very hard to turn in inspection mode with engine running that means the motor on the other end of the butterfly rod won't allow it.The motor is engaged. I suspect it may not allow you to turn it without forcing it. Don't force it. Don't force this. With car off Disconnect the plug to that motor (motor is on the drivers side of the TB) and then it will be able to turn by hand. It may throw a code if you do that but don't worry it won't hurt anything. Just don't disconnect it while in READY. When done with this test and car off plug that motor back in or the gas pedal will not work! The gas pedal is fly by wire so if the engine ecu will not allow rev it won't allow the motor to turn at the butterfly. Rev it up. Use the old mechanic trick. Piece of long wood like a drum stick and holding it to your ear and the engine listen around for any noise.
Conclusion: clogged cat converter rattling big time right off the manifold. Thanks for everyone's help. And to the guy who commented about 293,000 miles.....this baby is just getting broke in!
Exhaust repaired and ran with much more power and speed. When you replace the cat converter be sure and get a new cat converter gasket otherwise it may leak like mine did. The Toyota dealership wanted around $48 for this gasket. I got one on ebay in the $20 range.
I have added fuel injector cleaner rarely over the past 296,000 miles, but that's it. Maybe a total of 5 or 6 times.