I have a dilema-some #!# jerk managed to somehow put a hole in my rear door. Upon getting bids to repair it (I have a $500 deductible) I found that it is made of aluminum and that it can't be welded. The lowest price I have is $1200 to replace the door. I'm toying with gluing in a badge of some sort-I can't just let the rain in. The total area affected is less than two inches. Any better ideas out there?
Just so I understand - is it the left or right side rear door or the hatch door? Regardless of which, you should be able to pick up a used door from car-part.com for less than $1200.
i had to have my hatch replaced on my 04 when i backed into an suv. small dent, but the body guy said you can't repair aluminum. $850. for the whole job including paint. i didn't think that was too bad, but that was 7 or 8 years ago. i don't know if it comes with glass or if they swap it. the badge sounds like a pretty good idea if the repair is too expensive. all the best!
I think the badge idea is good. Thanks for the heads-up about aluminum being hard to repair. Being aluminum, at least it won't be rusting out.
I think BONDO still works on aluminum. A piece of aluminum can be riveted or welded to cover the hole first.
Duct tape? At places like Staples they sell it in large 12x12 inch sheets in various colors and patterns. Your profile lists a 2006 - it may be time to rethink raising your deductible.
Thanks-I think I'll do that to seal the opening then glue on a badge to cover the damage. I learned all body shops received a bulletin from Toyota stating they must remove the door or hatch before welding as the computers may be affected. That's why no one will touch it for under $500.
Magnesium is used in car parts and if your welding torch touches it that is a huge fire. That is why BS have motors data to see where are Welding not spots. Be careful