Like the title says, I'm looking to somehow put a 120V AC outlet into my incoming Prius C3. I always wanted an electrical outlet in my Prius ever since I owned the liftback since 2010. The battery lasts forever when doing things aside from driving, so it would be nice to take advantage of all this electricity when parked. Seeing as how quite a few of Toyota's cars already have electrical outlets, I'm pretty sure this isn't too far from being reality.
My Vibe gt had an inverter in the dash. When we bought the C I threw one in the glove box. If I need it I just plug it in the cigarette lighter. You could easily put a 500 watt inverter back next to the battery and cut a nice hole for plug in under the seat. I have a cigar lighter hooked to the battery direct and mounted through the plastic under the seat. I needed one that is hot when key is off. You will have no problem hooking up an inverter. Just decide how much power you want to use. My 150 watt inverter is large enough to charge my laptop. Dan