Have we lost the ability to edit older posts, does the edit function lock out after a certain amount of time now?
I just saw this: 1:38 AM - posting 6:30 AM - unable to edit to add details after a nap This is going to make keeping stickies current a little more difficult. I'm OK with a time limit but it needs to be longer, say a day, rather than shorter. YEA! Editing time is at least two days, now! Friday, 6:35 AM - posting Tuesday, 8:33 AM - this edit Bob Wilson
Has there been some abuse? I know that I go back from time to time to clarify my thoughts . . . "Bob thought" does not always translate easily into clear and unambiguous English. Not trying to be difficult but good writing is hard work . . . especially for me. Bob Wilson
I was thinking the same thing Bob, I think in my short time here editing has been restricted once before. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
If it was changed, it would have been either done intentionally or unintentionally by Danny perhaps when performing maintenance. The only case for 'abuse' I've seen by allowing open ended editing and not implementing some kind of time frame is people who decide they want to leave PriusChat altogether go and edit ALL their past posts to something lame like a . or typing deleted etc. So I'm of the mindset some type of timeframe does need to be in place. What Danny chooses to do is what he chooses to do...
That's fine and I agree as mentioned in my post, editing should of course be there. But do you expect to be able to edit that post in say 1 month? 3 months? Or even longer? If yes, then you have no problem with people deciding to leave and abolish every post they have ever made, as informative as they may have been to other users.
I have no problem with that until it is a demonstrated problem. If the occasional member has a hissy-fit and deletes all their posts when they leave I don't see that as a big problem, if it becomes common behavior, then it is a big problem. I strongly suspect that the members most likely to erase their posts when they leave aren't the same ones making valuable contributions to PC.
In some special cases like this thread PriiDash(TM): Enhanced Instrument Panel / Data Logger - Now Open Sourced! | PriusChat where I post the open source program I would like to be able to update the first few posts as I make new releases and when new information is available. In fact I just made a new release today and found I couldn't update the post. How about, say, 20 years in this case?
Looks like its around 3 hours for the ability to edit. Doesn't Danny do backups? Why can't he get missing posts from them or limit/flag numerous post edits or deletes? I have no idea the abilities he has or the software has, I'm just asking.
I remember someone about four years ago who hung out in the Gen I forum. He seemed to take great delight in posting snarky comments and sometimes offered content. When he decided to go away and it looked like he wiped out his earlier posts. But IMHO that was no great loss. Today the Gen I formum has better balanced and skilled collaborators: Eric Powers, yotatoter, slimfrancis, ChapmanF, Patrick Wong, JimboPalmer, and Paul. It is good to have technically skilled posters who respect each other. There was another incident where I was following Prius accidents and informed 'no more and no discussion.' So I took out my posts about Prius accidents and transfered them here to continue my studies. The earlier posts I took out were the Prius accidents that were cited as 'no more and no discussion.' Things were fine for about six weeks until I saw the specifics of one fatal accident that led to Public Law 110-189, a safety law I agree with. So I posted about that fatal accident and took a PriusChat vacation to continue my Prius accident studies. Prius technical content went to the YahooGroups and USENET. Today other than 'the usual suspects,' I've not seen evidence of egotists of that ilk coming back . . . ones who give the illusion of a contribution as cover for posting snark. Instead, I use the improved "Ignore User" function which I throughly endorse. For example, I have three on my ignore list and every now and then I'll take them off to see if they've calmed down. There have been a few who over the years either went away or 'bought a Prius' and finally much improved their content. Time limiting edits to preserve content does raise an interesting copyright law question. To what extent is a posting the copyright material of the 'publisher' who did not pay for the content or that of the 'author.' But this is not a problem that keeps me awake at night. I've had my work product plagiarized and a second party keeping a copy is not the same. Time limiting edits does not seem to be a the most effective way to protect the earlier posted content. If something like this is going on, it strongly suggests a poor working relationship. But if I were given that task, I would probably: 'Congratulations, you have a new user account' - sent via e-mail with details about why this action is being taken. Bob Wilson
THANK YOU! Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/editing-posts.126895/#ixzz2Uatbiiqa Bob Wilson ps. Please thank our moderators, it is not easy and keeping this site running is not trivial.