Earthquakes Just curious to see how far away it was felt. Anyone else in NorCal notice it? Here in Woodland I felt my bed shaking slightly which prompted me to check the USGS site. Interestingly, a bunch of dogs including our boxer/lab mix were barking about 20min before the event. Hmmm,
For the most useful view, be sure to check the 'Maps' check box. USGS: Did you feel it? More than 8000 people have reported feeling it so far. (Click 'Responses' tab.) Another earthquake site on my Bookmarks list is: IRIS Seismic Monitor. No news about it up here. Since 7 pm, it seems that nothing else has happened anywhere in the world, our I-5 bridge collapse is the only story.
The did you feel it charts are interesting, thanks for the link. The low number of "did you feel it" reports near the earthquake epicenter is because it's in a very sparsely populated area. Without looking up historical data, it seems like the quake was felt over a large area considering it's relatively low strength.
It's near the northern end of Gold Country, I had to look it up to be sure Indian Valley Chamber of Commerce - Greenville Walking Tour
Thanks! My wife and I spent a couple of days in that area on the way to Reno and loved it. Sure there are a lot of 'antique boutique' shops but you know it really is beautiful country. Bob Wilson
Just after the large one hit... the daughter came over with the twins because she was scared... the frau was rocken all around the desk floor pad in her chair - she said it wasn't an E-Ride... and my kitchen pans were a swaying pretty good...