I got a 2013 Prius 2 for $2,800 below msrp and $1,600 below dealer invoice. Just wondering if that's a good deal or not?
I purchased my Prius 2 about a month ago for 22,600 after title and registration fee's. Several dealers in the area seem to be advertising and offering standard Prius 2's in this price range. I thought it was a good buy in price, and since it was a "50" available at this price deal, I really didn't have the headache of trying to negotiate down. I would say, below MSRP and below invoice is usually always a "good deal"....in so much as buying a new car can ever really BE a "good deal".
Depends on the fine print in the Purchase Order, and your definition of MSRP. I noticed that you didn't say how MUCH you paid for the car, and for the purpose of this discussion it doesn't really matter. I consider the true MSRP to be $24,200 which IIRC includes shipping, which you usually do not get out of paying. So....If you paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $21,400 plus whatever the PRC charges for sales tax.....then you did fairly well. The trouble is.........dealerships LIE, otherwise they wouldn't have to resort to their usual collection of antics to obfuscate what should be a fairly simple transaction. Example: "non-optional" options including but not limited to fabric and paint protection, nitrogenated tires, carpet mats, etc. Example: Warranty, finance, and GAP "offerings" Example: "Admin fees" The admin fees for my last car were $35 including the title fee and my first inspection sticker. So....you tell US....or more specifically....you tell YOU. Did you get a good deal? A 2013 G3 is almost the same car as a 2010 G3, so you might have shaved several more thousand by forgoing the new car smell, but as one of the previous posters excellently pointed that gets into another discussion. Here's the GOOD NEWS!!! Good Deal or not? The real savings will occur if you keep the car and drive it....especially until it's broken in---or for around 250,000 miles. Remember...there are people who are getting rooked by stealers into buying muscle cars and pickup trucks. Who would you like to have THAT case of buyer's remorse??? Good Luck!
Wow, you got a good deal. My 2 is standard except with Blizzard Pearl paint and carpeted floor and cargo mats. It was $22,898 before tax & license.