I came across a 230V DC power supply & want to try to charge the traction battery so I took the covers off to find the damn connectors, which I found, reading 214V. Of course this required disconnecting the orange traction battery maintenance jig. Now all I get is ! and hybrid system warning light. Does anyone know how to reset it or is it a tow?
Grasshopper, he who play with battery play with fire. My guess is you will need the assistance of your service department at your dealer.
Unless you've fried the battery it should still work. Recheck your connections and give starting up another go. Otherwise there are a million things you could have screwed up and it sounds like you had no business messing with that HV supply at all. My first guess would be that you killed the HV battery ECU....that experiement, if that's the case, will set you back around 2 grand. If you fried the traction battery that'll cost you 4 grand or so. Charging the traction battery is extremely complicated, requires simultaneous programming of the HV ECU and a very controlled rate of charge. I think you've done a very bad thing.
It's rare that I bookmark threads, but I want to keep tabs on this one. Crossing my fingers, powphilprius! Let us know what you find out...
Some dood posted where he did the same thing and more, made the car into a power generator, using ups technology. I now can't find his web site, should have printed it. Anyway I think it must be really stupid like reseting the fuel indicator or the rediculous reverse beep, both easy if you have the steps.
And why won't my damn poster come up, huh? I just changed it thinking the Burton emblem was the problem, and it still isn't up! Back to subject, how else is one supposed to prep for upgrading to a prius +? Would you not have to connect more battery & ECU? The fact is if the car had 2 or 3 times more battery power I could drive up the entire ski mountain without having to redline to get over the pass! I'm putting it back together & having it towed come monday unless I get a helpfull answer. How can the ecu be blown if the radio & brakes & lights & dash & fuel indicator & everting but the ~@#$%&*$ hybrid system work!? I may just start over & re-career. Thank you all for your interest, I'll let you know.
Assuming we're serious here... The ECU has *nothing* to do with your radio, dash lights, etc. All that stuff runs off of your 12V Aux battery, not the HV battery.
Those systems, like Prius+, use auxilary batteries paralelled into the HV battery and only the auxillary batteries are charged. Not until the HV system is online (ie car in READY) does any charge flow from the aux to HV battery....and even that must be done right or it will cause problems. This is something that 'can' be done, but it takes a lot of knowledge and even then is fraught with problems. And, as said, the radio and other stuff you mention run off the 12v battery...they'll quit too when you drain the 12v which won't be recharged unless/until the HV system is back online.
Ouch!..I hope your kidding too.... I know alot of guys can figure out most anything... and that even without instructions...but this car is a technological wonder! Moral of the story is study, study, study and make sure you are very confident before you mess with something.... always let others more knowledgable lead the way and take their instructions and hints. If you are going into no-mans land.... you're on your own number one!. I hope you find your way out! But now you have to decide what to do? 1. If you have really done damage, then you have no choice but to have it fixed and pay the price. 2. If you have not damaged anything yet.... be extremely careful about what else you mess with..... I think you still need to go have it fixed... you're cost will be much less, and at least you'll get it running again. Either way... I think the dealer is the answer. If you your in Option #2 position and tinker around much more, you may definately be in option #1 if your not careful! The question is..... have you learned from your mistake yet? or will you repeat it by not getting help from the dealer? You have a very big investment at stake... its wisdom to know when you've been licked verses when you just haven't figured out your dilemma yet. Let us know how you get it fixed so no one else repeats this nasty situation.
Powphilprius, Your car can be repaired, but I am afraid that if the repair bill is not sufficiently high, you will not be cured of your severe case of Buttonitis! BUTTONITIS: SYLLABICATION:but·ton·i·tis PRONUNCIATION: Buh-tun-I'-tiss NOUN: 1. A compulsion to press a button, turn a knob, or otherwise activate a piece of technology without fully understanding the consequences. 2.In severe cases of buttonitis, the afflicted have been known to bypass safeguards and warnings. 3. Associated pain in the fingertip or wrist of those with a severe case of buttonitis. See synonyms: dork
Jeez, Evan Fusco, MD (could you get a bigger signature, please) saying the poster had 'no busines' messing with their car is a real stretch. Sure they must reap what they've sown, but it's a free country (sort of) and it's not YOUR car, sir!
Post on the technical Prius group on Yahoo. The expertise to help you resides there. In the meantime, you may wish to avoid further experimenting ..
Don't discourage him windstrngs, I wan't him to keep going with this project so we can see what happens. Providing he's still alive to tell us.
Success! Problem solved. Thanks for the link to the Vassfamily site. I think I caused the problem by miss-seating the service plug. There are two big wide prongs and a very little one, I think the small one was not in all the way. Just latching it wasn't enough, it needs to be pushed and rubbed. Then I was able to clear the trouble code using the diagnostic screen, as Agi explained on his site. First power on the red triangle was gone, second power on everything was clear and back to normal. I am going to get the maintenance manual before going any further, I would still like to add another battery pack or two but I think I better leave well enough alone so I can get to work tomorrow. Enjoy the Superbowl!