Today I saw a Prius on the freeway with "White" stickers instead of "green" stickers. Is there a new Prius out that is purely electric?
i applied for green sticker for my prius two. not pip. i got the sticker yesterday lol SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
The only Prius that qualifies for any California HOV sticker is the PiP, and that is for the green sticker. Anything else is either: 1) an error on the part of the DMV clerk handling the applications for HOV stickers (they are supposed to run the VIN to determine if the car qualifies), or 2) fraud by the car owner (e.g., putting the stickers on a car other than the one they were issued for). Or it could be an old Prius where the (expired) yellow stickers have bleached out to white?
i read the rules also and went through the checklist/FAQ a few times, and after much disappointment, didn't apply. i'm wondering how Manster did it.... lucky?
The Prius I saw with the white stickers turned out to be a Prius conversion. In this case a conversion to Hydrogen. There are other stickers on it that say Cal State LA and Quantum Engineering. I followed it from I 10 back to the Cal State LA campus, and to a Hydrogen filling station at CSLA.
That makes sense. But I wouldn't be surprised if the owner has been pulled over more than once to explain why a Prius has a white sticker. It would seem like a good candidate for an officer looking to fill his non-existent ticket quota.
Hmmm, must've been a task to get the sticker since the DMV probably goes by the VIN. VIN would still show hybrid. Probably went to a state ref. kudos to them and kudos to you for stalking. Jk
A post from a hypothetical Prius Conversion Chat page probably reads something like this: "I'm not sure, but I think someone followed me to work today..."