I have had the 100i for about 4 months. Since the begining I have noticed distortion some distortion in the mid/high frequency range. It is most apparent on some songs with piano. I have the the video ipod with sound check on, although this doesn't seem to make a difference. I have a ground loop isolator from Radio Shack. The distortion is not in the MP3's themselves. I googled the problem and found that someone on the Lexus board was having the same problem. http://us.lexusownersclub.com/forums/lofiv...php/t18007.html I thought I remembered an old post (deleted now?) regarding the switches on the unit affecting the sound. Maybe this would help? Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have not noticed any distortion with my AIC-100i and iPod, but this might have more to do with my choice of music. What firmware do you have? I know there are issues with the older firmware and the new iPods. My AIC-100i doesn't have any switches at all. Have you contacted Eugene at Vais?