Hey everyone, I've been lurking on these forums for about six months, and finally picked up my Prius C4 yesterday. I traded in an older Audi A4 2.8 Quattro with major mechanical problems and a crazy 15MPG. It hasn't even been 24 hours with my new Prius C, but I'm in love with it. My old Audi always had smoke plumes coming from the engine bay, which was extremely embarrassing when driving in Los Angeles among all of the fancy cars. Super stoked to be here on the forums, and learn from the wisdom, musings and discussions of others here!!
I think you will continue to be happy with your C! I am coming up on one year and 22,000 miles and I still love it!
Wow you guys are all so welcoming! I've had the car for a couple of days now, and I'm still getting used to it. Both the accelerator and brakes feel very different from my old Audi. Sure the Audi was much more comfortable, but the C has so much cool stuff, and that gas mileage is just crazy!
Congratulations. You'll see a nice bump up in MPG after it's broken in too, for me that was after around 1600 miles. Peruse the sections here on how to get better mileage and you'll be able to bump that up even more. I'm at two months and 3200 miles on mine and I still get that "my gas mileage is crazy awesome" feeling every time I drive it.