I had modded my Prius so many stuffs... Now the final outlook is as follow: Prius R emblem Carbon hood with eyeline and big Toyota emblem of Prius C (Yes, Prius C's emblem, bigger!) LED with Angel eye and projector headlight front Back Before the carbon hood and PRIUS R modification: Tanabe strut towerbar (not yet installed the M's Power Cleaner) Tanabe under brace M's Power Cleaner with K&N filter Blue Caliper by Dupli-Color Full 3M carbon vinyl and REMIN carbon interior Japan brand "REAL" carbon steering wheel Steering wheel remote control buttons with blue LED LED back TOYOTA emblem (Not yet blackish the middle part) I'd spotted out the main modifications on my Prius 2007. As too many modded, can't go throw all details in one post. For those who is interested, welcome for asking, I will try my best to answer
As some here on PC might not agree with your taste, I think its a nice 'highly modified' and labor intensive prius for sure! Your 'PriusR' would fit right in with some of the 'Civic TypeR's' I see from time to time. LOL Any more pictures of your LED swap in the steering wheel. Process and types of LEDs? I'm starting to enjoy soldering - might be something I'd be willing to tackle...DIY.
Hi Justdidit, I knew you like DIY a lot like me Hope the following information can help you. I have changed the right side control to a "with navigation" function, so that I can use the "info" button and looks better in outlook. uncrewed the control cover comparision with the old (green) one and the new(white with blue light) one. first test succeeded, then soldered the rest left side control Night shot As I unsoldered the LED bulbs from the LED string, I don't exactly know what model and sepecifiction about the LEDs. I'm sorry about this
Very impressive. Thanks for the photos! I will prob need to practice more before i tackle such precise soldering. Awesome job! Sick car...!!
Daves09prius, here is the link, hope it won't be removed~ GruppeMパワークリーナー プリウス NHW20 送料無料 - WebCarShop CarPit IDOL car_shop2013 - ヤフオク! The web photos provided are only for image, not exactly the model for Prius Gen2.
Amazon.co.jp has it also http://www.amazon.co.jp/%E5%93%81%E7%95%AA%EF%BC%9APC-0125-%E3%82%B0%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BC%E3%83%97%E3%82%A8%E3%83%A0-GruppeM-%E3%83%91%E3%83%AF%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AF%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%8A%E3%83%BC-03-09-09-05/dp/B0087CX0FA?tag=vig-22 (copied from CHROME browser) for $178 + $15 shipping but can't find a way to ship it to the USA...
Justdidit, I buy japanese web sites stuffs through this agency, fromjapan, you may click the following referral link to apply an account. They help you to bid / buy and ship overseas! You can even choose the cheapest way to ship, save money! Purchasing Japanese items and delivering straight to your door!|FROM JAPAN LIMITED please feel free to ask me if you are having trouble in ordering the air intake~
H Hello Powerjo, First, i want to say that it is so beautiful and it is just like my dream. I want to apply all. could you tell me where did you buy all of materials? Such as; 1. Headlight (Front &back) 2. Lightened logo (front&back and on whell logo) 3. Body kit 4. Windbreak 5. Wing mirror with signal (is it foldable?) 6. Quartet exhaust 7. Accelerator & Break Pedal 8. Front led lights 9. Bonnet Coating is it all the materials which you apply fit our Prius? (2009) Thank You