Mods, If I've posted this in the wrong area, please feel free to move it. Thx! Hi All, While I have some time to write this, here's my brief update: Just to refresh your memory (for those that are actually interested ), I'm an Outside Sales Rep, and I typically drive anywhere between 650-1200 miles per week now, making Sales Calls selling HVAC equipment, here on Long Island (Also STILL dealing with Sandy victims). I have an Avalanche that I WAS using for work, and I was going through ~$225 - $250/week in fuel. And THAT was back in 2009, BEFORE the fuel costs escalated even further, to where they are now! I also have an 1100hp Pro-Street '70 Monte Carlo SS, but that's another story entirely! LOL... OK, so it's been just about 2 & 1/3 years since I purchased my 2010 Prius IV, and I gotta tell ya, this thing is STILL FREAKIN' AWESOME! I love it! I pretty-much just use the Prius for work, as I keep most of my paperwork, brochures, etc., in the car. I'm also able to fit a nice telescopic ladder in the compartment above the spare tire. I currently have 77,196 miles on it, and I'm JUST NOW having to buy new tires for it, today! IMHO, that's one helluva good run for factory tires, if you ask me. On a "BAD" day, I STILL get ~46-48MPG! On a "GOOD" day, I'm getting well over 50MPG! Being able to use the HOV Lane on The Long Island "Distressway", knocks off about 1 hour of travel time (EACH WAY, both into my territory and back home! Just a few of my personal thoughts/updates... Enjoy Your Rides, BigBen
Thanks for the great update! 77k+ miles on the original tires? I wish mine would last that long, I only get about 40k out of them.
Thanks for the kudos. I figured I owed a report to all of the people here that have helped me. Yeah, that kinda mileage surprised me too. But then again, I got almost the same mileage out of my AV's original meats. I just now ordered a new set from TR online. I have another slow leak in the front right, and they're on the thin-tread side of the slope. LOL...
Typically anywhere from $40-$65, depending upon where I have to travel to that week. It's a beautiful thing! LOL...
Wow! Thanks for the update! So your fuel cost is essentially 1/5th to 1/4 of what they work. Impressive! That's a lot of fuel saved and a lot of emissions not emitted.
My pleasure, everyone! It came with those Yokohama tires. I just received the GY/Dunlops that I ordered, a few days ago. I was looking for a better handling tire w/a little less road noise, so I decided to try these. Yes, the fuel & emissions reduction are insane! If I wanna get nuts, I can always take the Monte Carlo for a cruise! LOL...
I finally had the new tires put on the Prius, on Saturday. Man, what a nice smooth ride, with those new "shoes"! Now, I just have to send-in the $40 Rebate form. BB
If your getting mileage money from your employer the Prius can be a asset to an outside sales rep. Any repairs outside of normal maintenance? How are the seats holding up?
Hi JMD, Yup, you hit it on the head with the mileage deal. The leather seats are still like new. Fortunately no repairs needed (BigBen feverishly knocking on wood). During the last major snow storm though, a plastic piece/shield was damaged. I took a couple of pics of the underside of the car, while it was up on the rack on Saturday. Now I just need to compare those pics with someone else's 2010. Anyone care to post a pic or 2 of the underside of their 2010? Specifically under the front and engine area. Thx, BB
Found this photo from PriusChat. I apologise as I don't remember who was the original owner of this photo.