Very happy new owner. This is my first new car and I'm looking forward to saving at the pump and being able to go camping with my wife and kids without having to force everything in to every nook and cranny of the car. The v is really the perfect car for our needs, cant wait for the first camping trip this year!
I don't know what you were driving before your Prius, but I know you will enjoy at least halving your gas purchases. We really like our v for this. It is a great car in many ways. I was surprised at how well it handles and rides as well. We find the interior roomy and convenient too. Good luck, you made a great choice.
Congrats! One neat feature I like about the v which i don't think the liftback or c has, is the extra 12v power outlet in the trunk. I recently used it to power an electric cooler on a recent road trip so i wouldn't have to eat fast food along the way or constantly be draining and adding new ice to the cooler. Like having a mini fridge in the back, great feature for camping.
Congrats on the purchase of your new v! We've had ours for over a year now and are very, very happy with it.
Congratulations. It's a great car. My wife and three kids have taken ours camping and it worked out great.