Can anyone point me to a service shop that will install a new 12V auxiliary battery for my First Gen 2002 Prius? I spoke to my regular service guy and he quoted me $280 plus $45 instal. My local service would get the battery from the dealer then install it. I think there's a better price. Has anyone had experience with battery4prius and their service? I don't want to do it myself. I'm in the San Fernando Valley in Ca. Thanks Mandla
Don't get the battery from the dealer. That is a rip-off and even Toyota is recommending a different battery than the OEM. I have used the OPTIMA Yellow Top in both my Gen1 and Gen2 and it can be special ordered from any diverse battery dealer. I have an account with Battery Systems who also sell to retail customers for very reasonable price. Search them online, I know there are two in the Sseattle area and one in San Diego. (I just checked with my dealer and he says Battery System is west and south west US or as far NE as the N.&S Dakota, etc..) Since I have an account, my price is lower $155 each but retail shouldn't be more than another 15 -20 %. When you talk to them or any battery dealer and specify OPTIMA Yellow Top, you should also mention that it is for a Prius because they are made specially with the smaller battery terminals the Prius needs. Edited: I should mention that the Gen1 battery is much easier to replace than the Gen2. You should be able to do it your self or ask a friend/relative since it only requires a 10mm wrench and average skills. You should also make sure the battery cable connectors are clean a free of all corrosion. Also, the OEM battery has a small plastic vent tube going thru the bottom of the battery well. The new OPTIMA won't need a vent and you can toss that tube. Steve
In about three weeks, June 14-16, a whole bunch a Prius People will be descending at Toyota HQ . . . and many of them know how to 'turn a wrench.' <GRINS> Bob Wilson