The line says Steelers by 4. Whaddya think? Radio yesterday reported that Supe Sunday is now the second-biggest "food day" of the year, after Thanksgiving and eclipsing Christmas. Do you and yours eat yourselves silly---before implementing your New Year's resolution to shape up?
I think there is some football game tomorrow, but the really big event is the second annual Puppy Bowl.
Seattle by 5 and yes, while being a vegan at heart (not always in compliance) we do throw a shindig and pork out, so to speak! Got to check out that Puppy Bowl thing sounds like to much fun! :lol: Wildkow
I"m going to the fitness center during the pre-game and ironing shirts during the game itself. Woo hoo. Livin' it up!!
i think the game will come down to how well Seattle's defense can handle pittsburgh's offense. i already know that Seattle's offense WILL DO whatever it wants to. my prediction Seattle 31 pittsburgh 17 GO SEAHAWKS and yes we will be stuffing ourselves just as much as Seattle will be stuffing the steelers
well Seattle lost...but not beaten by pittsburgh... dropped passe, mythical holding calls, and lack of execution on special teams is what did it.
Seattle definately lost the game due to dropped key passes but also due to "mythical holding calls." At some points I felt that the refs were in on the take. It seemed that every gain for Seattle was brought back by a penalty. And - mind you - I have not financial or emotional tie to the game. As for hybrid commercial, I like the Camry commercial but I think the one during the Bowl was different than the one Toyota posted online beforehand. That is, it sounded like some Spanish dialog was dubbed in. I like Kermit and I love the song about being green. On the other hand, when it comes right down to commercial marketing, I think the Camry commericial told a better story. The Ford commercial had Kermit singing and then coming across an Escape Hybrid and saying, "maybe it's easy to be green." To me, that's not as compelling.
you couldn't have said it any better. i think most seahawk fans feel that well. i know all 40 of us at our super bowl party felt that way.
The Budweiser and Ameriquest Commercials were way cool, the game was a bit boring and the Rolling Stones halftime show was more than a little bit's time to hang up the Guitars boys!
i have to admit this year's batch of commercials was weak... i did like the bud commercial with the little horse pulling the bud wagon out "with a little help".
I laughed out load at the two Bud commercials: "Magic Fridge" and "Bear Chasing the Two Guys." Now those were funny.
Bud Light stole the show, the two you mentioned plus the guys attempting to complete the 'honey do' lists on their roofs cracked me up. One question? Who would py $3-400 to watch the Rolling stones? They were awful. They should be renamed the 'geriatric band'
i have to agree that the stones should be retired and put out to pasture. they only did 3 songs and mick was just about out of breath. cant imagine what would happen with a whole show.