Hello all I have a 2011 Prius with Sunroof and my car has become infested with ants. Yes, I keep it clean, I do not have food all over, etc. I think they are living in the front left panel above/around the wheel. Has anyone ever had ants LIVING in their Prius?? Are they attracted to some location or component?? What do I do to get rid of them??? I am considering taking to dealer so they can take the friggin thing apart because I can't handle SWARMS of ants all over the outside and inside of my car. But I am worried they will have no clue what to do so I am asking for advice. Lisa
Wow! New to me, never heard of anyone having this problem. Hope someone will chime in that has had this happen.
Then you have organic matter molding in the car, I'd smoke or soapy water them out, then I'd find the "friend" that put something in the chassis that's attracting them.
Bugs esp ants are a real problem in GA. I find that parking my car under trees in the springtime in GA the car gets covered in pollen and tree sap which is slightly sweet and will attract ants and in about a week with the high humidity the remains of the sap gets converted to black mould. I usually ask the Terminix guy to set out ant bait near the scent trails that they use along the sides of the driveway. He tells me that ants and termites go together in that they both need a bit of humidity so the ants probably would not have set up house in the car. If you are parked and leave the windows or sunroof open for a short time mosquitos and possibly yellow jackets will 'bug' you. I can tell you that it was not pleasant screeching to a halt with a yellow jacket biting through my biking jersey but this was with a different vehicle.
I had a similar problem in the trunk of an old Mercedes E55 AMG wagon, and the following method solved the problem. Vacuum as many as possible and then spray some non-toxic pest control around and on the affected area. The pest control that I formulated had 1 cup baking soda, 1 gallon of water, and 1/2 cup citric acid; no need to use toxic substances.
Thank you for the reply. I only have trees to park under, and my car is covered in yellow pollen and all sorts of tree droppings. So it makes sense that something "natural" is attracting them to the car. I started parking on the street to avoid trees and make sure I am not near any dirt or ant trails in my drive way, but that did not help. I plan to take the car and use a power vac to suck out every place I can find any tree droppings. Then really wash it and have it detailed. There is yellow crusted stuff around the windows but I had not noticed black mold or tree sap. It could be there but I did not see it. I also have an appt with the toyota dealer sunday because I am 90% sure there is a nest of them living in between the two panels of the front left part of the car. I keep seeing them crawl our of there. I know we also had bad ants swarm the house and next door had the same thing. We all keep having ants in the house, no matter how many times the pest guy comes. I also will ask pest guy to leave me bait to place in and around car when I am not driving. I don't want to spray anything because I really don't want toxic stuff in my car for me to breathe all day while I drive. But bait that is taken out while driving I can do. I had read that some spiders seemed to like a certain part on the Prius so I thought maybe ants did as well. Maybe it is just because we live in Georgia, have trees, lots of bugs, etc. IF anyone has any other ideas let me know. lisa
My previous car which it was Acura TL type S 2008 was once infested with ants. I still dont know how they end up but I went to car washing place and they vacuumed entire car but still there were millions crawling out from small tiny gaps. I bought bug spray from walmart and sprayed all over the gaps and they were gone. I think the their Queen came in my car and started hatching her eggs somewhere... SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 ? 2
Cover it in black poly sheeting and leave it parked in the sun, That with kill them. I did this to a RV that belongs to my neighbor and no more ants.
We had a spider take up residence lately. Every time I'd get in there'd be fresh webs. Finally vacuumed out stem-to-stern, pulled out everything out, right down to the battery in the back. I found the spider (apparently the one and only, no more webs since) about halfway through the process, but was on a roll. Then when I'd vacuumed as much as possible, opened up all doors and hatch and unleashed the LEAF BLOWER.
Ditto on the Terro. This stuff is amazing and non toxic. I use it around the house. We had problems with small red ants and carpenter ants. They have not reappeared for 2 years. The traps are easy to set. Just clip the end off with scissors and place where they appear to be travelling. They also sell it in little squeeze bottles so you can apply it directly. Good luck!