Just got back from a photography "vacation" driving roundtrip from San Francisco to Vancouver, BC and back over 16 days. Put over 4,000 miles on the rental car (2013 Model Two or Three) on >95% highway driving. I still need to tally up the various gas receipts for actual FE, but was overall very pleased with what I got --- especially since I was driving through the Cascades and Sierra mountain ranges. The pic below shows the summary for the entire trip:
Very nice trip, Vancouver, BC is a great city did you get to horse shoe bay park? I thought this was a great park, nice and clean and nice shops and great restaurants. Hope you had a great time!
I spent a week in the San Juan Islands, WA not far from there. Just beautiful. Those ferries and water taxis are fun
We did a water taxi ride to visit a friend, and he had a small modest home a inheritance from his grand parents. His neighbors had huge homes. Many we're successful Microsoft employees with vacation homes. No cars. Great place to relax but I can see after awhile getting cabin fever.
I have started posting some pics here: Pacific Northwest PBase Meetup Photo Gallery by Sam Rua at pbase.com I still have many, many more to go through and will add to that gallery as the days / weeks progress. Enjoy!
Had a blast. I had never been to the Pacific Northwest before and really liked Vancouver BC as well as Seattle. Beautiful areas with tons of things to do and see.