I have the 2013 Prius Four with the HDD Navigation and eTune. From looking at the manual, it appears as though this unit is supposed to be capable of playing DVD's (when parked only, if I understand that correctly). Is this the case? I have put in a couple of different DVD's, including the Prius one that came with the car, but I only get audio, no visual.
Just found this...I can't see spending that kind of money to watch a movie on that screen. Why not simply use a notebook computer and send the output to your AUX input in the Prius? You'll get better sound than on the computer and better graphics than on the Prius MFD Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/use-gps-nav-dvd-player-to-play-other-dvds.58685/#ixzz2TXRFrN6v
The U.S. model requires the emergency brake to be set for video to be displayed on the HD nav screen. GT-P7310 ? HD
In my day, you didn't watch the movies in your car, your car is what you took to go watch the movies. Do we really need access to all manner of entertainment at all manner of times?