Well, after my disappointing first effort at hypermiling, chronicled here: My first attempt at hypermiling = FAIL | PriusChat I received a lot of excellent tips from many PriusChat members (F8L, Chaloney, szgabor, walter lee and others) and decided to give it a go. This attempt was much better as you can see: Filled up with 10.237 gallons using my consistent two top off attempt method. 61.7 MPG indicated, 59.1 calculated, about 4.4% optimistic. The last PIP started blinking at 555 miles...so I went 50 miles on a blinking PIP. And then only added 10.2 gallons...I had probably another gallon left...665 easy...hmmm Feels pretty good to set a goal and achieve it, thanks PriusChat for all the great tips!
Way to go Joe-G! Not that you want to test this, but likely your tank max is something (very) close to displayed mileage * 11 (depending on how full you got it on your last fill-up). I don't recommend trying to find out. Now go update your Fuelly page!
I floored it coming out of the gas station. Not kidding. This tank is 56 so far driving as fast as I want. What a great car.
COOOL !!! I think I am on my way for my second 600+ unless some unexpected event (weather, or wife has to go local which means 15x 0.5 miles trips)
Done. Joe_G has a new whip... - Page 4 - Corvette Forum Despite my 10+ years of cred there, and my coveted Tech Contributor title, some guys will lay into me, watch and see.
wow.. good job.. any thing special you had to do to attain this? routes? speeds? continuous lap? I want to know to see if I even want to attempt this.. lol..
Read my other thread linked in the first post for some great tips from the members mentioned therein. It's a little of each tip, but as I realized today as I drove with abandon...I'd slowed down. While I did get up to 70 a few times on that tank, it was closer to 65 or so or even less sometimes. F8L was dead right about what a big difference 65 vs 70 makes. Going 70 or 75 or 80 like I normally would do really drops the MPG. You pretty much have to hit the "pwr" range on the HSI to do that and it kills your mileage. The tip that you can multiply your CONS by 10 to see what kind of range you will get is a great tip and it works, that's giving yourself a 10 gallon tank range and you can use up to 11+ from what I've seen in my research so you have some cushion.
Like any forum, there are those with nothing nice to say. They don't tend to last long before they get tired of trolling. You should see the comments I get when I post a picture like this with anything in on my trailer hitch, they send out a lynch mob. I was trolled here on my other thread but I ignored the guy so I don't recall his name. In his defense he was right about slowing down, and I knew it, but that message could have been delivered without calling me a racist speed demon bigot or whatever he called me. Good forums have an ignore feature for a reason. And great forums have great moderators. I would say Corvetteforum is a great forum, as is PriusChat, due to great moderation. In total, I find forums a great place for enthusiasts to share knowledge.
Naaa I'd borrowed it from a friend for my family trip to tote our luggage and used it behind our Honda Pilot, and needed to return it to him. I used the Vette to return it and took pics just to rile up the folks in the c6 General section on Corvetteforum. Theres a funny thread out there. I have a trailer hitch and a little trailer to tote race tires to the road course. They have no siping and are deadly if I get caught in the rain so I tote them up to the track on a trailer.
That's probably the biggest change, along with limiting running on battery alone, but instead, pulse and gliding when cruising along slowly in stop and go. I used to always run the battery all the way down which makes the ICE run when stopped, a MPG killer.
Exactly !!!! That is counter intuitive for newcomers that is why it was mentioned by multiple members. And of course pulse and glide and anticipation of traffic patterns which is kind of easy to do on a routine DD. So welcome to the club !!!
Thanks! You helped me a lot and I appreciate it. Anticipating traffic, and traffic lights, is probably the next thing on the list that improved my mpg this tank. Next on the list would be avoiding short trips, I actually used my wife's van or my Vette for little trips so save that tank...of course I spent more on fuel for the trip so how silly is that?!?! I strive for a goal. It's my nature.
Congratulations on your 600 mile achievement! Hypermiling is a yet another useful driving skill to have.