I have been working on putting together all of the evidence for awhile now, and I believe that I finally have enough to make a case to the public. bigbaldcuban & aarons12 are the same person!!! Sure, they all try to fool us, but I believe there is enough of a pattern here to be accepted as fact: They joined around the same time They both want a Salsa #9 They are some of the rare members who put their location in their profile - simply to throw us off the scent! Long Island??? Hahah, good try, Aaron! Anyone from LI would say they're from NYC. You're not going to fool us so easily! They both always post after one another...it's almost as if they are one person logging out and then logging back in to make another post. They both are PriusChat Sponsors - again, a failed attempt to throw us off the trail of truth. He's thinking, "Hey, if I donate under both names then it looks less suspicious." You thought you'd evade the PriusChat authorities, well, buster, we're on to you!! I'm still in constant communication with CTU, FBI, CIA, Interpol, the RSPCA & PETA in an effort to get concrete evidence... So, this is a warning, I'm watching you! Both of you! :mrgreen: [Humor while you wait for your Salsa 9s and to keep Manny from ripping out anymore toenails.]
hahahaha... i think i speak for both manny and i when i say that we have had a great time posting after each other with our remarks. they have, as you say, made the wait easier. and no, i am 45 miles or so from manhattan, out in the 'burbs, and i'm the last person who would want to be identified as 'city folk'
Um... perhaps here is the place to admit that last night I dreamed that I drove by a shopping plaza near my office and there was a new restaurant there with a giant, red neon sign that said "BigBaldCuban's." There was a salsa red prius parked out front. I remember in my dream thinking, hey, I know that guy! He must have gotten his car! (and moved to Colorado? and opened a restaurant? I wonder if the food is good?) :sleeping: This may not be evidence that aarons12 and bigbaldcuban are indeed one and the same, but perhaps it suggests that I spend WAY too much time on this forum... Someone, please help me, I need my Prius... Nate P.S. Have you noticed LaToya hasn't been around much since Michael's latest legal troubles? Yup. We're on to you, too, BigBaldCuban/Aarons12!
actually, there is a point you guys haven't even touched on. i'm not sure just how 'big' or 'bald' bigbaldcuban is, but i weigh 240 and my head is shaved... www.aaronstein.com
Of course! That's why they're never photographed together! Slaps head with hand. Wait a minute... does this mean he's going to pull out his own toenails?
Anyone from LI would say they're from NYC. Bite your tongue. I grew up on the east end of Long Island, I am not from NYC or a New Yorker, I am an Islander.
when i was originally on american people link, back around 1980 ( an early service that let people chat in groups in real time) we used to type that we were from 'lawn guyland', even though at that time we were far enough out on the island that i don't talk that way. the past 10 years, though, our little village has started to fill up with 'lawn guylanders'
Damn, I stay off this site for 12 hours and this is what happens? :lol: Just to perpetuate the myth, I'm 6'3", 240 lbs. and do wear glasses. Sort of llok like this guy 8) with more of a tan. You have, however, made my morning, so light up another fat one Danny and keep it coming. Your're not waiting for a red 9, are you? Maybe you're just trying to throw me off with humor? If so, I've got a pair of channel lock pliers with your name on them :wink:
It was all part of the joke, I hope everyone understood that I know how Long Islanders hate being lumped in with NYC :wink:
danny - i think we get it. and it looks like manny and i might weigh the same, but he has about 5 inches on me in height... he really IS a big bald cuban!!