A search of 4 big SF dealers for kicks reveals the vast majority of Camry Hybrids in stock are LE base models. Even Toyota Sunnyvale one of the biggest hybrid dealers in CA has only hybrid LEs. They are pretty stripped: ugly black steel wheels with plastic wheelcovers, no power seat. What's the deal? Are Camry Hybrids mostly slated as taxis? Hafta say, I don't see many 2012+ Camrys with hybrid logo anyway. Guess they're mostly in SF for hire. I guess customers aren't digging the big battery in trunk and virtually no pass through space. Who knows.
Same thing at another big dealer, Dublin, 24 LE and 3 XLE which are loaded out. Not surprised Cam Hy took a nose dive last month. Hopefully Toyota will improve features, packages, price. Mind numbing they had power seat in base Camry hybrid previous generation, then took it away for new car, then base XLEs are nowhere, so next thing you know, customers are looking at $30k for Camry hybrid with power seat but fabrid. Might as well buy Camry SE or Accord EX-L for less.
The gal had to have the dealer locate a Car in Los Angeles 100 miles away and have the dealer bring it in for her.
Walnut Creek Toyota - 17 CamHy LEs, 1 XLE loaded to gills at $35k Big Fat hole in features, options between LE and loaded XLE. like they say on Shark Tank ... I'm out
That is pretty much how it is. With all the trims in the regular Camry available you see mostly LEs on the road. Next would probably be SE. I rarely see any XLEs. When you get into XLE trim people usually get other cars for the price.
They also don't have the large LCD. Might not have one at all. Been awhile since I sat in one, but the hybrid operation/consumption feedback compared to my 2005 Prius was a big step back. So I wouldn't be surprised those who wanted a hybrid Camry opted for the XLE to get the upgraded instrutmentation. The XLEs could be getting snatched up, while an overstock of LEs sit around.
This is what it's like around my area too. Most of the new, and consequently used Camry hybrids are very stripped down. One time I saw an '07 Camry Hybrid with 80K miles and the XLE trim for about $13,000. It had the leather, nav, and power everything. I was dying to get my hands on it, but it had sold overnight. I personally think that Prius is viewed as the more stripped down hybrid of the two, so a Camry with cloth and manual seats is only attractive to people who absolutely can't be seen in a Prius.
The best value for the TCH is the base XLE which is around $30K, so it is most popular and rarely seen on the lot.