here are a couple of links that are helpful to FL hybrid drivers. Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles - HOV (High Occupancy Vehicle) Decal form: (I filled it up a few weeks after I bought the car, it takes that long for you to appear in the system, just bring it to one of their offices (link for locations on the form itself) and it was about $8 and change for annual decal. AND if you're in South Florida: 95 Express Hybrid Express Program - Take advantage of I-95 Express Lane toll-free: (You do need the HOV decal number from the above link to apply for this.) 95 Express Hybrid Registration: 95 Express Program: South Florida Commuter Services - (Carpooling, Vanpooling, Transit) Hope it helps!
Thanks for posting. We don't have any HOV lanes to take advantage of in the Tampa area-That I am aware of anyhow! This was a huge deal in Northern Viginia when I lived up there. Lot's of folks bought Prius JUST for the HOV pass. Clay