did anyone else receive this offer from Toyota? [attachmentid=2085] I did not know anyother way to post?? enjoy
what version is the 2004/2005 Prius NAV? 2/3 or version 4?? how do you tell? wish it was only $100 or less.. Thanks in advance
I got this email from Toyotapart.com <[email protected]> into my email program I use PMail 2000 and it does not do html.. I had a heck of a time getting this in some sort of form I could attach the file.. took the *.att saved it to disk.. opened it with IE, did a save as and attached that file to this post... know a better way?
Mine's 4.2. In the '04-'05 at least you find it by pressing the MENU button and push the button in the upper right.
I couldn't open your link, but in the page's source I found <a href=\'http://www.toyotapart.com/product.asp?pID=407541&cID=1\' target=\'_blank\'>THIS LINK</a> to ToyotaPart.com. But on their site I couldn't find any details of version number. Not quite a 10% discount, and no idea which version...
Not mentioning the version is disturbing. The 2005 ended with, and the 2006 started with, version 5.1. That is the highest I have heard of as of this posting date.
I searched for Prius navigation DVD under ToyotaParts, it was listed under 2004 and 2005. I would imagine it would have to be version 5.1. However, the same part number is listed if you search for 2002 or 2003 Prius, and that should not be right. Funny, your link shows 00125-DVD05-CY, but I was unable to obtain this part through my own searches. Even tried all years all models for Navigation.