This kit is new but I do not have the batteries. I bought it for $5,000 4 years ago. Long story short, I bought this kit but I sat on the project and then when I went to install the kit, 2+ years later, I realize that they had not sent me the batteries. I thought they were in the battery box the whole time. After months of arguing with Robb at plug in supply I have given up. He mentioned that the kit could be converted to Li-ion. I have all the parts except the battery to battery interconnect cables (which he also never sent me with my kit!). I would like to sell it whole but am open to selling pieces. Some of the major parts are: 1. Battery Box 2. Charger 3. Controller 4. Prius rear springs 5. Wires and cables. I am in the Los Angeles area. I can provide pictures. Make me an offer!
Wow, what a raw deal. The batteries and interconnects have to be a large part of the value in such a kit.
My understanding is that PIS makes one of the better kits. I can't get over them not wanting to make this right. I bought the kit from an authorized dealer, and they must have some record of sending or NOT sending me the batteries. Anyways, my loss is someones gain.
Hi Glenn, I am not interested but if you showed photos of what exactly you are selling you might have a chance of finding a buyer.
me3 please show images I am curious about what you do have. The battery storage box not so much. interconnects yes and not so much value in lead acid battery or storage box
How much for the control boards please. I am in the Uk, but dont mind paying the shipping fees Thanks, Anthony.
Yes, all of the wiring to wire the control board to the car, along with the enable/disable and ice switches are there. Also the cable to connect the controller to the battery box and the cable that connects to the 12v battery,
apears to be so, I looked into it a while back and recently again, it must be such bad deals that killed it, where abouts in California are you? it's quite bulky wonder what would it cost to ship, I do know some truckers that run california regularely, might be able to work something out
It looks like I have someone that is buying all of the electronics and springs. I still have the battery box and will give that a way to someone if they want it. I also still have the charger.
if Anthony does not take the charger I may, let me know, I doubt if the box would be of much use since it's for led acid, like I said where exactly are you? I may be able to have a driver pick it up, that would put things in perspective if it would not cost much to ship it, sure why not take the box, maybe I would find a use for it