I was washing the car as one does and as I was putting the hose along the base of the plastic panel in this photo where the "TOYOTA" and "PRIUS" badges is and as I ran the hose with it going on full, I found a heap of broken down leaves, soil, etc flushed out. Has anyone noticed this in their Prius? I'm about to open the interior panel just to see if there's an accumulation of soil which could cause the hatch to rust out ... eventually.
I took that panel off after about 70,000 miles and there was a nice accumulation of dust, sand, small debris (leaves, etc.). That panel in the middle is plastic. I think the hatch is made out of aluminum (if I recall correctly), so there really isn't anything that could rust over time.
Oh yeah! it is aluminium hatch. I guess it's still good to flush it out to allow water to flow out easily.
Absolutely; ours has the solar/sunroof and the grooves up and around there (and the spoiler) collect pine needles something fierce. Every time I wash it I blast all that stuff out of there (or try to!). Quite a catcher. -Iain
We've got quite a few pine needles in there now. It's possible to remove the air foil, I've done it once, but it's a production, having to pull of interior hatch panels to get at the fasteners. Maybe work some string in behind and "floss" it? Good point that it's aluminum, anyway.
But how does the leaves get there to begin with? Is there a way to stop the green bits from getting there in the first place?
Try not to park under trees or outside on a windy day, as leaves that are falling and blowing around get lodged in there. It also depends on where you drive; the dirtier the road the more debris you will encounter. Always try to park in your garage or in an enclosed structure.