yea john - how dare you stick up for me - and thereby invalidate poor andy's grasp on the OP ... home made courtesy sineage ... after all ... as Andy assumes ... if you don't drive a PiP (obviously the only plugin owners whose points have validity) then you can't be fit to opin regarding courtesy notes. Andy Andy Andy ... we who (hopefully) contribute on PC do so by listening - and then (hopefully ) thoughtfully responding. For example, if I sought to determine your wisdom regarding Prius warmup stages, or the distinctions between mg1 and mg2, I'd do so by listening to you - to hear what you have to say. It would my loss, if I even ATTEMPTED to measure you up, based on your months of ownership, or your miles driven in a plug-in. Equally important here, is the fact that ownership, or plug-in miles driven doesn't necessarily make one a hybrid or plug-in 'expert' . But ironically, the OP is discussing home-made notes ... so your 'presumed' superiority doesn't even come into play. Doubly ironic is that even though you acknowledge John's contributions - you blew him off when he gently tried to help you understand those kinds of principals. That said, if you still have the need to indulge in some kind of a plug-in pissing contest, I'd respectfully request to be on your ignore list. And, in case my understanding of your motive is wrong, please feel free to PM me, and I'LL be delighted to discuss all things plug-in. and to the OP, forgiveness please, for off topic tangenting .
Got ICE'd today at the court building... by of all vehicles- an Excursion! ... and the 4 other spots to the left of the charging station were available I called the Chief Clerk- he remembered me from last fall- and said he try to speak with the woman who owns the white Excursion. I can't leave a note today- it's raining....
I like your great idea and good design. Hope this 'tkt' can teach those guys a lesson., or at least realize something.
Ok, posted the 300DPI PDF copies online. Parking Notice (info version) - ChargeNY Parking Notice (ticket version) - ChargeNY I still want to improve these designs, but I'm sure these are usable to some people. I printed them out and they look pretty good (without trying to sound like I'm bragging here).
anyone ever see the Southpark Prius/Smug episode? VERY funny ... and it had one scene with their hybrid driver giving fake tickets. Click the video box and go to the 2 minute mark: South Park Season 10 Episode 2 Smug Alert! | Watch cartoons online, Watch anime online, English dub anime Randy: What's this? [takes the citation and reads it] Gerald: Oh! Sorry Randy. Looks like you got a ticket. Randy: A ticket? "Failure to care about the environment" Oh Goddamnit, did you do this, Gerald?! Gerald: Yeah. I'm just, you know, trying to make people more aware you-know, it's a- Randy: You got some nerve, you know that?! Where do you come off ticketing people?! Gerald: Well, Randy, calm down. It's not a real ticket. Randy: I know it's not a real ticket!! Jimbo: [approaches] Broflovski, did you put this crap on my windshield?! [Randy crosses his arms] Gerald: Jimbo, your truck probably gets less than ten miles to the gallon. Jimbo: [crumples the ticket into a wad and throws it down] Well thanks, Officer Dickhole! Kyle: Dad, let's just go! Gerald: Look, I'm just trying to make the people of South Park aware of a very serious problem. Randy: The problem, Gerald, is that ever since you got a hybrid car, you've gotten so smug that you love the smell of your own farts! Gerald: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't think it was "high and mighty" to [closes his eyes] care about the earth! Home made plug-in parking notes aren't new. PC's Darrell actually began making these notes available since the 1990's for his (and other's) plug-in's. Here's a link to some of his: The below example is for plug-in's that simply "hog" the parking stall because it's a closeup spot ... just because they can. Or, maybe they only need an hour or two to charge - or not at all. Yet they still just CAMP at a charge stall ... all day long ... day after day. I see several of those folks at our local malls. The note below may prompt those folks: Sometimes - even we plugin drivers are clueless, and don't naturally think of others in need of a charge. The type of sign directly above is less 'adversarial' because it suggests how the plug-in 'camper' can be "part of the solution, rather than part of the problem", as Southpark's Gerald says . It can be re-worded however one thinks may be helpful or in ways to piss less people off. Just a thought. .
If you are going to leave a notice behind, might as well inform them (in a nice & polite way) why this is important. To many people are clueless (including actual EV sales folks). That's what my designs are about. I created the ticket version in case someone wants it, it's not something I will be using myself (I will be using the notice version, and will improve it). That said, there is a difference between a hybrid driver, and an EV driver, things change when you depend on these charging stations on getting home. Personally, I am working on many angles on educating folks about EVs, this is just one of many avenues. I guess I should have started my own thread, as this thread is starting to get polluted. Don't want to use them? Fine, then ignore this thread. Keep getting ICEd? Then here is potential way of informing people about what they are doing wrong. Got a better design or a suggestion as to what I should add/remove? Then let me know, and I will make the changes.
+1 If you don't let them know they've done something wrong- they will continue to repeat the same behavior over and over again. Most people aren't so mean spirited as to block the charge spots on purpose if there are adjacent spots open. Most times (I've found) they just don't know it's a special purpose parking spot- so they need to be educated.
To be honest with you I think some people are just preoccupied and don't know. Others think they can get away with poor behavior and thus continue to do so until they are towed or ticketed. A guy was parked in an EV spot the other day in a garage in Pasadena near where I work. He was still in the car texting. I warned him that I have seen the garage ticket for parking a regular car in an EV space. His response was shock that he was in an EV space and thanked me for warning him - thus avoiding the ticket. So don't assume everyone is doing it because they are ill mannered. iPad ? HD