I recently replaced the existing licence plate bulbs with W5W LED bulbs. The LED bulbs that come with the package do not have the wedge base. Once I put the bulb in the socket, it was loose and it fell inside the tailgate. My questions are: Is there a way to secure the bulb in the socket without the wedge base? Is there an easy way to get the bulb back that fell inside the tailgate? Thanks for your input.
I can't think of a sure fire way of getting the bulb to mount properly, but thats just me. As far as getting the old bulb out, you may need to take the panel off which is just plastic clips if I remember correctly. You'll definitely have enough room to get your whole arm in there if you need to with the panel off. I was able to get my arm in to dynamat the hatch, you should have plenty of room to grab a bulb
I don't see any plastic clips around the edge of the tailgate. Would you be kind enough to show me how to open it up? Thanks.
i did that with a parking light bulb.... oh the pain of getting that out! Ive ran some electrical tape around the bottom of the bulb and the base holder just enough so it holds it in place (taped to the top of the white sticker), it looks fine on the parking bulbs but you wont have any issues with the licence plate ones because they're mostly hidden
If you're unable to fish it out through the openings, you can remove the rear hatch trim. Page 17 of the instructions (attached). Easy to do and you only need the pry bar at steps 31 and 37 and the rest you just use your fingers.