What exactly is taking place when the MFD reads 99.9? Does this mean that the engine is off and you are either running on battery, charging the battery, or coasting? For example, if I set my cruise control to 45 and I go down a hill, the MFD will read 99.9 and the yellow arrows will be going from the battery. Is the engine actually off at this time? Can the engine be on and still read 99.9? thanks. Ken
It can, you may be getting 101mpg with very low ICE use and it will show 99.9. The Prius Marathon guys used a device called a super-MIDI that calculated fuel economy much farther out and numbers ranged out to 214mpg at times IIRC.
What it really means is that the lazy 8 symbol is not available. It means that over the interval measured no gasoline was used. It means that miles/gals = miles/0 -> oo. Or, something like that.
It means less than 0.01 gallons/mile gasoline being consumed. That usually means the battery with ICE off, but not always, and certainly not by definition.
ya i used to think that 99.9 was a sure sign of EV mode, zero gas suckage, etc... but with CANVIEW, i've seen several readings that equated to like 180 mpg... (.3 gal/hour @ 60 mph) and so on. so it means that its 99.9 mph or higher...
I've been busy trying to catch up with work and various requests. I suppose I never bothered with mpg as it seemed redundant with the Prius showing that anyway. It never occurred to me that people would just keep CAN-view displayed and not bother with the Prius consumption displays. Instantaneous MPG (or Ltr/100km as some of use are stuck with) would be easy to add, so Ill do that at least. Integrated mpg over various time periods is a lot more difficult as it means adding every reading to get an accurate answer, when CAN-view has to spend a good part of its time doing housekeeping chores/updating the video etc. Its the same problem I'm having playing with an integrated Amp-Hours display, I may end up having to change the way I process CAN messages. But I will put it on the wish list....
That would be awesome Norman, I don't need any 5 minute bars or anything. A trip mileage readout would be nice, but if it's difficult don't sweat it, and esp. I wouldn't want it if it meant lowering the current functionality.
I really hate to add this but the ScanGage has a high of 9999.9 mpg. Both mean the same thing 99.9 or 9999.9 same thing. Near 0. What do you want egg in your Beer? I would guess that this is a subedited and calculated value based on not dividing by 0. Computers have certain difficulties dividing by zero. I would like to see MPG on CAN View, until such time as there are more important values that need to be shown.
if you can just convert the current gals/hour to mpg reading that would be cool. after all 300 mpg would be much more impressive to show off than the old 99.9 mpg
There was a reporter a couple years back who complained that 99.9 was distracting, misleading, and incorrect. I remember this because my response was that if the infiniti symble or "DIV/0 ERROR" appeared on the screen he would have said the same thing.