Complete with soundtrack! 100 Prius points to who can guess the song and/or artist playing!
I have no idea of the song/artist, but excellent choice in music. I can't get enough electronica/trace/dance, but hte problem of living in the Midwest is that virtually nobody caries the music. Do you buy online? MB
B) No, I don't really buy online, I generally use limewire ( What I do is listen to a lot of satellite radio, and when something I like comes on, I'll save it in memory, and go download the song afterwards... h34r: Oddly enough, the CD playing is an old one from back in '92, the "Cool World" soundtrack... h34r: edit: check out this site too: Sometimes I'll go there, get some song names, then go download them from limewire....
That's an easy one Disappointed - Electronic My favorite Electronic songs were Getting Away with it and Dark Angel Now I'm going to have to find those cd's. It appears that I only ripped the "Get the Message" single.