The owner of my "pre-loved" 2010 prius installed an aftermarket headunit. I took a peek inside and there were ten thousand cables connected to it, most not even labeled. Its an old eclipse headunit with GPS that i want to replace with a Stock-looking unit, but I know if I try to do this myself i'm gonna run into a headache. SO. anyone know any shops they've used in socal that they absolutely love? I want to give them the green and have them suffer the headache If theres any that have worked with previous stock-looking units like the otto,rosen,etc would be best.
I'd love to find one as well. I've found a few shops, but no idea if they really know what they're doing. Love to find an installer who really takes pride in their work and is hip to the latest gear and installation techniques.
I live near Uneek Audio in Eagle Rock. I think I'm gonna have them put some speakers and a bit of dynamax in my Prius in a couple weeks. I'll let you know how it goes. An HU isn't that hard to do, so probably almost anyone could do it. I'm gonna do mine myself. I've done it in a few cars and its quite simple.
ya its probably not difficult to figure out. Its just the aftermarket headunit my previous owner used has A LOT more cables than normal (i'm guessing with the bluetooth mic out, backup camera, GPS antenna, XM antenna, dual ipod out, USB out, dual video/audio out for rear seats, FM antenna, and other things) its a headache to figure out which is which because the labels are either very tiny and invisible on the back of the headunit.. or not labeled at all. If I was going from stock to aftermarket, I'd probably figure out it, but at this rate i might have to start pulling on cables to see where they lead to... so i rather someone else do that.