I just bought a 2012 c1 and would like to add rear speakers. From reading another thread it looks like there are no wires in the rear door. Is it a big deal to run wires and is there a harness behind the radio for the rear speakers. I'm somewhat handy but by no means an expert. I'm also a little worried about breaking clips removing panels. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I just took my 2012 C1 to the local car audio shop. They installed a pair of rear speakers and the necessary wiring for $175. I was skeptical that they might just splice them in with the front speakers. But the Fader control works which implies they did it the right way.
You need to buy a $20 (1987-current) rear speaker plug/harness that will plug to the back of the radio and has about 8 inches of wire to connect your new speaker wires. My suggestion is run them under the rocker panel moldings and up into the molex plug that supplies the wiring thru the b pillar to the rear door.