I am mounting my SIRIUS antenna in the rear spoiler. The antenna I have is too large to fit into the spoiler cavity. Has anyone had luck with taking the plastic shell and metal plate off of the antenna and just used the innards? The only thing odd I see with doing this is there is a metal plate stuck to the top of the plastic shell that might need to stay with the antenna inside to work, this could be accomplished with some epoxy. Any ideas or links to more technical data about sat antennas would be helpful. I will post pictures of the setup when finished.
Or order a smaller Terk antenna and follow directions posted on this site. That is what I'm doing as soon as I get a free weekend (probably months away...)
Are you referring to SIRIUS specific instructions on this site? Can you post a link to that thread? I'm not convinced the smaller antenna will fit in the cavity. But if someone else has done so, I would love to see how.
naterprius did it. The instructions are on the archived (old) priuschat site. Saw it the other day again but will have to look about how to get there again.
I saw his post, which is for the XM antenna, comparing specs of both antennas, his is smaller. This is why I am not certain the SIRMINI antenna will fit.
Thought that the Sirius antennae I got from the company was about the same size about 1" on a side and 3/8" thick (estimate from memory, as it is not in front of me right now.) Was Naterprius's smaller??
nates thread http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=5077&hl=hidden+xm Mini XM antenna size 1.25" W x 1.375" D x 0.5" H Mini Sirius Antenna size 2"W x 1/2"H x 2-3/8"D (7-15/16"D including removable "tail") That is much larger and will not fit in the spoiler cavity. The antenna I currently have, available in the Factory Interative Kit, whe disassembled is about 1 inch square and 1/4 inch thick... much more manageable for mounting... I guess if noone has info on modifying these antenna's I'll delve into the unkown and post the results.
The Sirius satellite antenna I recieved is Model# UCA-S measures 1.5 x 1.56 x 0.5 inchs... marginally bigger than the XM antenna
It was what came with my Starmate Replay that I bought online from the Sirius website. Can't say that I see it sold as a separate item on the Sirius site though it might be the one listed as "replacement antenna". I tried googling for the Model # UCA-S with no real success. Maybe you can contact Sirius directly.