It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement. Effective today, I no longer own a hybrid vehicle. I have been doing a lot of hard thinking about my short and long term goals in my life, and also looking at what my employer has been up to. To make a long story short, I no longer feel that where I work will be around in not just the long term, but not even the mid term future. Because of this, I made the decision to purge all debt that I possibly can, and pursue relocation back to Colorado, where I have family. As the FEH had a hefty payment attached to it, it ended up on the chopping block. It sold for my asking price, after a mere three months of ownership, and just over 7,000 miles of driving. I will be temporarily returning to running older cars, as I will have no car payment with them. As part of my ongoing efforts to concentrate on this restructuring of my life, and to make dealing with giving up a vehicle that I cherished for it's awesome technology a bit more bearable, I must sign off of the group. As an avid supporter of the technology, a hybrid vehicle will be in my future again, once everything gets settled down. I want to thank everyone here for being such a wonderful community. The membership of this site from day one, has always been able to be proud to say that they have created a comoradarie unlike any other forums that I've ever visited. I wish everyone here a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life wherever their travels may take them.
Well Wolfman, when you get back here, there will be a ~$3500 state tax credit waiting for your next hybrid vehicle. Nate
Wolfman, Sorry to see you go. As a longtime member myself, I have always enjoyed your input not just as a contributor but especially as a moderator. I have always found you to be even handed no matter what the political beliefs of the parties envolved. Things have really heated up since the first days of FHOP!!! Really would appreciate if you stuck around as a moderator. Don't remember ever seeing that Danny required ownership to be part of the PC community or even an Moderator. Heck, when Danny set this up, he didn't own one himself, and honestly as I remember, still doesn't. (Rumor has it he is getting married instead. B) B) ) So if you have the desire, would love to see you stick around regardless. If not, look forward to seeing you back when it is time. Jon
jchu mirrored my thoughts exactly in fact word for word. Just because your vehicle doesn't have a huge battery in the back and interesting electronics underhood is no reason to drop from this group. If you do, a tip of the hat to you.
Thanx for the good words. I'm not making the choice to leave just because I don't have a hybrid car. I simply need to focus on the greater project at hand. I have sold two vehicles in two days. The one that I acquired as a trade on a portion of the price of the FEH, is also spoken for as of this evening, so that's basically three vehicles sold in two days. I still have three more to deal with - both motorcycles, and the bus. There is a similar laundry list of things around the house that I must get sold. I am also near the decision point on a 35 foot motor home that I am pursuing to purchase. It will be used as a temporary house immediately after I move out of Texas, while my current place is put on the market to sell. The one I'm looking at even has a built in washer/dryer, SOLAR coach battery charger (awesome find), and hardwood floors, which is a requirement due to the two dogs. While it's in overall excellent condition, it still has a list of things that will need to be done. I'll need to research this, and devote alot of free time to get the coach ready if the current owners accept my offer. Then there is the problem of my chronic inability to get my house in order. If I am to pull this off, I MUST force myself to get off of my lazy nice person on my weekends, and get the place back into the shape that it should be in. If I haven't found work up there by summer, I have three weeks straight of vacation time that I'll be taking in July for my Brother's wedding. I expect to spend much of that time pounding pavement for work. Once I get back up there permanently, I have no idea how my free time is going to play out. To be blunt, I've been quite lucky to be able to play around on the 'net at work like I do. As such, I'd better get back to work - tonight isn't being a very quiet one.
That kinda sounds like "I won't be staying on as a Mod". Thanks for your assistance to the site. Good luck in cleaning things up and having as smooth a transition as possible to your next adventure. Hmmm, if you get a 35-footer, that's a serious MPG hit. :lol: Maybe you can park it on tripp's front lawn for a few months while you get re-established.
Wolfman, have a great time in your new endevors and remember that we are here, behind the screen, and a visit from now and them will be very reconforting to us as well. Regards from New York
Cheers to Wolfman! Let us help you find a quality used hybrid vehicle, when you absolutely need to glide some more.
bye Wolfman... we will keep the light on for ya, just in case....stop in for a visit every once in a while. good luck on your future. i know what its like to be in a job that has no future. they say that the average worker will change jobs like 15 times in their lifetime...sometimes i feel like i might double that number
We'll talk to ya later, Wolfy. You can check out any time you like but you can never really leave. Catch you later...
I'm sorry that I just found this thread today, but I wanted to make a note in it as well. Thanks a lot, Wolfman, for your dedication over the last 2 years to PC - you will be missed and we all look forward to your return. You helped build PC into what it is today and never let us forget about those first generation Priui!
I, too, just saw this thread (because Danny bumped it up) as I was out of the country when it was posted. Goodbye Wolfman. I'll be sorry to see you go, and I wish you all the best as you move forward with your life. We disagreed on politics, but you were always courteous. You will be much missed.