finally got the side debadge done, and while it was in the body shop, I had them paint a ring around my wheels, I like the way it turned out, probably the most expensive debadge ever! remember, before considering a side debadge, there are two holes under the hybrid emblem on each side, so body work must be done, I have no idea why Toyota put those holes there, makes no sense to me, so I'm probably the first with a side debadge, but I hated that emblem on each side, much cleaner look now imho
Yup, I really really dislike the side hybrid badge and so want to get rid of them. Won't spend that kind of $ though. Oh well. Yours looks great!
I HATE COMING ON THIS WEBSITE!!!! Everytime I do, someone shows me something I absolutely must do to my car... that orange ring is sweet!!!!!