perhaps if you were to experience some other places, you'd realize the economic status this state is in overall. perhaps you have blinders on, or perhaps you fit into the exact area i described above. either way, oregon is a nice place, but the majority of the people are far from anything to write home about.
You and I must have had different arithmetic teachers. It seems to me that the Prius rusting away in your yard is the worse possible outcome. Now, more bad news for you: Your posts lead me to think you are dishonest. I may be wrong, but I would not buy from you at any price.
those kinds of friends...i don't need. At least rotting away in my yard = parts rig for the other prius and...losing money on my terms. why would you feel me dishonest? not that your opinion of me makes much difference.... but i assure you, i'm by far the most honest person you'll meet. on the plus side given your take on me, i wouldn't sell you anything either so...we'd get along just fine. i've given no reason to question my person.... However i do feel this ad may as well be deleted by a moderator, hell, delete my user account if you like aswell....this doesn't seem to be a place i'd prefer to frequent.
I think the two issue we have with you is your attitude and the large chip on your shoulder. Other than that, I think we can get along.
Selling a prius that "runs", was wrecked, you drove it 30 miles, it "ran" no other info, now it turns out it was "baked" by a hole in the upper oil pan, but, you seem to think no one can voice an opinion to others on the forum, which as I understand it, is to inform prius owners about the prius, and in this case a faulty one, but said voice has been put forth, now more then once, as you've been caught out, bee's are easier to catch with honey then vinegar
I've been to London, Dublin, New York and almost too many places within the US to mention. I realize the economic status the State of Oregon, and much of the entire USA is in. I do NOT throw out derogatory short sighted commentary about the population of entire states. To do so is ignorant. Currently Oregon has the 38th highest unemployment rate in the nation, admittedly a problem. I would point out that at 38th Oregon is a mere five places ahead of Arizona. There is a clear difference between admitting the challenges a state faces economically, and ignorantly and short sightedly blaming those challenges on a population by labeling them as being lazy and simply wanting to live off the government. Is Oregon in an economic recession and struggling? Yes. Is Oregon a population of people lazy and simply wanting to live off the government? No.