I just heard (second hand information) that a brand new recall just came out that had to do with the Prius powering up automatically, without anyone around. Has anyone else heard of this, or know the best place to look?
I hope this is not true. It sounds scary. Besides, i have only had my Black baby for a little more than a week.
Some Prius will get restless after awhile, yearning for the opportunity to hit the open road. Please do not yours of this. Take your Prius out for a spin from time to time... or maybe it will begin to nag. But seriously, I could easily image a newer owner forgetting to shut of the system... walking away from the car without realizing it was actually still on. That would make it appear as though it powered up automatically.
At least there is no recall on 2006 Toyota Prius officially. Until I see it there, I refuse to believe it. So many people love to spread rumors about Prius. <_< www.nthsa.dot.gov
Additional information ... this was supposed to be from an article in TowMan magazine (http://www.towman.com/) generally subscribed to by wrecker drivers. I'll try to get my hands on it. Perhaps it's not a recall after all. That's what happens when information is from person to person I guess.
if the car starts itself, it's likely a crappy 12v connection. no. it's happened. DH fixed one that did it. i saw it happen. it's creepy. but i doubt there's a recall on the 06s. DH would have called me immediately when he saw it on TIS.
Toyota does everything within its power to avoid actual recalls. We'll hear of other actions it takes if there is a problem before it (a remedy) gets very far.
Here are two articles on it: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006...us_rampage.html http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2005...us_stalls5.html Not sure how credible they are, but they do seem somewhat believable.
consumeraffairs.com is a site owned by lawyers who use it to drum up business. It is not at all objective and is rarely accurate.
oh god, not THIS site again. they're sure doing their job... scaring people away from the Prius and hyping a bunch of CRAP. pay no attention to anything you read there. they're extremely biased.