373 miles for the first tank in two months: I guess you don't drive much/too many short trips. It will be better while the engine breaking in. My first tank was over 400 miles.
Plus you never know how much gas the stealerships actually put in the car... sure it's full, but that full gauge goes a long long way.
I bought mine Jan 23rd... I have just over 6,000 miles on mine already. I WISH I only had to drive 350 miles every 2 months...that's about 8 days worth of driving for me. And, I have only had one tank take more than 9 gallons to fill... that was 9.12 gallons and I was worried I was gonna run dry because the last pip on the gauge had been yelling at me for the previous 35 or 40 miles.
I have 8400 miles, bought mine Jan 11... I have pushed that last pip for over 70 miles. When it beeps you have over a gallon left, so depending on your MPGs at the time, you could go pretty far.
i usually get at least 500 miles (about 805km) to the tank before the car starts complaining at me.. and then i can still can comfortably push it to 550 depending on how my mileage for that tank is going so far.. the current tank i'm on i can probably break 600 the way it's going. it's an awesome feeling... but with the more expensive gas prices in California.. well.. even then, i'm saving a ton from my previous vehicle. averaging about $.068/mile since i've owned the car. you'll enjoy the car more and more as you drive it and fiddle around with it. it's nice to be able to travel far with so little fuel. just imagine if they made the tank slightly larger.. the range would be.. even more ridiculous. i remember when i was driving a car that would be averaging only 350 miles... and it'd be like a 11-12 gallons to fill up.. oy. glad those days are gone.
Whoa. Did not know that. Time to add a tank where the spare used to be. I guess I could also bother to read my manual.